Build unity to get rid of the Coalition

By Jim Hayes

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for Labor winning the federal election next year. The alternative of an ongoing Coalition government would be a disaster in many ways. More so, when it is hell bent on transforming the Australian political landscape into an ugly expression of entrenched inequality, exploitation and repression, which is far worse than anything experienced before. Continue reading Build unity to get rid of the Coalition

Australia no longer trusts what passes for democracy here

By Joe Montero

The Museum of Australian Democracy and the Institute for Governance and Policy analysis at the University of Canberra have just released their findings from joint research. It tells us what everybody knows already, that Australia does not trust politicians and the existing political institutions. Continue reading Australia no longer trusts what passes for democracy here

Coalition has incentive to neuter federal corruption watchdog

This article by Eva Cripps and published by the Aim Network (27 November 2018) shows why Australia should be wary, of the Morrison government’s turnaround to support the creation of a federal corruption watchdog. She suggests that after its recent crushing electoral losses and finding itself in a minority government, it was compelled to change its strategy. But the intention to prevent disclosures that would embroil the government remains as solid as ever, which means that whatever is set up, will be intended to be a toothless pup.

Continue reading Coalition has incentive to neuter federal corruption watchdog

Government’s intention to cut Foodbank funding was based on a wrong view on how to achieve progress


The Morrison government’s $323,000 a year intended cut to the Foodbank has drawn widespread condemnation. So it should, especially as we enter the Christmas season. It means that families and individuals are going to do it hard. Continue reading Government’s intention to cut Foodbank funding was based on a wrong view on how to achieve progress

Video: Noam Chomsky condemns Trump for pulling out of landmark nuclear arms treaty

President Donald Trump recently announced plans to pull the United States out of a landmark nuclear arms pact with Russia in a move that could spark a new arms race. President Ronald Reagan and former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1987. The INF banned all nuclear and non-nuclear missiles with short and medium ranges. The treaty helped to eliminate thousands of land-based missiles. We speak to world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author Noam Chomsky about the significance of the INF treaty and the impact of Trump’s plan to pull out.

Video from Democracy Now!


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