

It’s Julian Assange’s 53 birthday



Wednesday 3 July at 5 PM
Flinders Street Station

Let’s sing happy birthday to Julian Assange. Julian can’t share this joyful moment with his family and us, let’s cut the cake and munch on savouries and talk about Julian’s truthful Journalism.

Go to Facebook Link

4 July 12 pm
553 St Kilda Road
US imperialism is a blight on the world and in Australia.
Organisations around the world and in here are taking action outside US embassies and consulates as an act of solidarity and unity in fighting the common enemy.
People demand the right to build their own future and freedom from attack, repression and war, from Washinton on behalf of Wall Street.
Supported by
Latin America Solidarity Network
Venezuela Solidarity Campaign
Melbourne Vigil for Assange
Free Palestine Coalition
Unionists for Palestine
Australia Cuba Friendship Society
Chile Solidarity Campaign
Black Peoples Union
May Day Committee (Victoria)
Centre for international Cooperation and Disarmament
International Leage of Peoples Struggle (Australia)
Socialist Alliance
Australian Communist Party


Register here

Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)