Category Archives: Government

Video: Labor and Liberal politicians make $millions from the AUKUS money train

This informative report provides evidence of the personal gain made by certain political figures out of the AUKUS deal. One of them is former Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who is the new CEO for an American owned company contracted to supply components for the nuclear submarines tied to the deal. There are other’s including one or two who used to represent the Labor Party. Talk about corruption in politics. And the submarines may not even be delivered, although the taxpayer still gets to pay for them – and the gravy train for the politicians in for a cut in the action. This is worthwhile viewing. Continue reading Video: Labor and Liberal politicians make $millions from the AUKUS money train

France heads for a new crisis as Macron continues to block the election winners

By Jim Hayes

France is entering into a new phase in its political crisis. Embattled president Emmanuel Macron continues to hold out on allowing last month’s election victors to form a government. France is now effectively without a government.

On Monday Macron slammed the door on allowing a New Popular Front (NFP) coalition government, despite the Front having secured the biggest vote. Headed by France Unbowed and includes The Greens, Communist Party, and what’s left of the Socialist Party. Continue reading France heads for a new crisis as Macron continues to block the election winners

Mass Anger, Capitalism, and 2024 Elections

Richard D Wolff, professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts and visiting fellow of International Affairs at New York’s New School University puts forward his view about the connection between rising anger and the decline of western capitalism (Economy for all 14 August 2024). He goes on to point out that traditional politics is in denial and mainstream parties similarly focus on administering for the 1 percent. The political right uses the anger but doesn’t understand it. As for the left, it has largely become hooked on tinkering and trying to make western capitalism more acceptable. It too fails to understand that rising anger is the result of the decline of western capitalism and will remain impotent until this changes. What applies to western capitalism applies to Australia in its own unique form.

Continue reading Mass Anger, Capitalism, and 2024 Elections

Australia no believes in the present political system

By Jim Hayes

Only 37 percent of Australians are satisfied with “how democracy is working in Austral” according to the latest Essential Poll. The use of the word democracy is not the appropriate one here though. Saying that this is the proportion of Australians see that the political system operates in their interests. This has profound implications. Continue reading Australia no believes in the present political system

Dutton’s nuclear plan is dangerous and must be stopped

By Jim Hayes

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has finally announced some detail of the Liberal and National parties’ nuclear energy plan, which includes the building of 7 power plants. An attempt to legitimise this by connecting it to the creation of jobs and opportunities for an Australia gripped by a cost-of-living crisis has Already begun, and the Murdoch controlled media is pushing this and manufacturing public opinion. Continue reading Dutton’s nuclear plan is dangerous and must be stopped

Inquiry into the corrupt behaviour of PwC is a whitewash

By Jim Hayes

The report from the Senate inquiry into the PwC scandal has recommended that the multinational consultancy firm should be “open and honest,” implying this this isn’t how it has behaved. The report also recommended stricter regulation of large partnerships between government and large private organisations. In all there are 12 recommendations. Continue reading Inquiry into the corrupt behaviour of PwC is a whitewash

Donald Trump represents the elite and not the people

By Jim Hayes

Donald Trump has been convicted of a list of felonies. Don’t expect him to be locked up. In fact, his convictions will help him to become President of the United Sates for the second time. Trump and his backers know how to use spectacle, and the convictions are being used to portray him as a victim of a powerful elite controlling government, the law, and society. Continue reading Donald Trump represents the elite and not the people

Albo’s tax cuts change more public relations than substance

By Joe Montero

Anthony Albanese faced a great deal of opposition to his promise to keep Scott Morrison’s promise for big tax cuts for the very rich since the day of the election that made him Prime Minister. In fact, it threatened to Cause instability within the Labor Party. The angst was just contained in last year’s national party conference in Brisbane last year. Continue reading Albo’s tax cuts change more public relations than substance

Australia demands a change in direction according to the latest Essential Poll

By Joe Montero

In the wake of the fiasco of the voice referendum and a response to Israel’s attack on Israel that pleases no-one, the Essential Poll commissioned by the Guardian newspaper has revealed that more people disapprove than approve of Anthony Albanese’s performance as Prime Minister of Australia and the direction in which the country is going. Continue reading Australia demands a change in direction according to the latest Essential Poll

Labor’s national conference and the key issues that concern Australia

By Adam Carlton

Labor’s national conference in Brisbane began today. The 2,000 or so delegates will be hearing about the key issues of the day. There won’t be any in depth discussion and analysis of positions put forward. The decisions have already been made and votes packaged by the factions. The event will mostly be about speeches. Continue reading Labor’s national conference and the key issues that concern Australia