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US imperialism is a blight on the world and in Australia

Organisations around the world and in here are taking action outside US embassies and consulates as an act of solidarity and unity in fighting the common enemy.

People demand the right to build their own future and freedom from attack, repression and war, from Washinton on behalf of Wall Street.

Supported by

Latin America Solidarity Network
Venezuela Solidarity Campaign
Melbourne Vigil for Assange
Free Palestine Coalition
Unionists for Palestine
Australia Cuba Friendship Society
Chile Solidarity Campaign
Black Peoples Union
May Day Committee (Victoria)
Centre for international Cooperation and Disarmament
International Leage of Peoples Struggle (Australia)
Socialist Alliance
Australian Communist Party

 May Day March Melbourne 2024

May Day this year has even more significance than usual, given the global rise of fascism and resistance to this trend, and the challenges we face here in Australia. You are invited to join us on this special day.
This year, the march will be led by defenders of Palestinian rights.
Speakers will also address the issues of freedom for Julian Assange, union rights, and AUKUS, war and the battle against imperialism.
See the other May Day related events.

Video: A thank you and an update from Stella Assange

Over the two day public hearing on the 20-21 February 2024, thousands of people took to the streets. We cannot thank you enough for speaking up, showing up and standing up for Julian Assange. His fight is all our fights. Thank you. However, the fight continues. If you are able to contribute financially, please consider becoming a paid subscriber on Stella’s Substack:… Continue reading Video: A thank you and an update from Stella Assange

Join the May Day activities in Melbourne for 2023

Help continue the struggle for a better world.

The history of May Day, is the history of workers fighting for a better way of life, decent pay and conditions, a society free from war, and a society that meets all the needs of the people.

Last year in 2022, the Australian people convincingly removed the Morrison Government, one of the worst Governments in Australia in living memory. That was a great victory. Continue reading Join the May Day activities in Melbourne for 2023

A Call for Peace – Truth Not War

On 20th anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq
Saturday 5 MARCH 2023 AT 1 PM
State Library Swanston Street Melbourne.
Organised by the 18 March Peace Ro8ndtable Melbourne


Dr Margie Beavis:  Medical Association for the Prevention of War

Professor Richard Tanter:  Nautilus Institute

Dave Sweeney: Australian Conservation Foundation

John Lander:  Former Diplomat to China

Shirley Winton: No AUKUs Coalition Victoria/IPAN

David McBride:  War Crimes Whistleblower

More speakers at Treasury Gardens after the march.

Tenth anniversary of the death of Hugo Chavez

251 Queensberry Street Carlton (AMWU)
Duration: 2 hr
Public Anyone on or off Facebook
Light refreshments provided.
The Documentary “Chavez” will be shown.
The event will commemorate his life and work, what this
means for Venezuela now and in the future, what the world can learn from this, and what Australia can do to make a positive contribution.
Hugo Chavez, who was elected president of Venezuela in 1998, carried out policies that benefited the Venezuelan people, particularly the poor.
He used Venezuela’s oil wealth to bring health care, education and other services to poor areas.
He encouraged the self-organisation of the people in democratic local organisations known as communes, supporting giving the people a voice.
Chavez survived attempts by the United States, backing the oligarchy to overthrow him, including a military coup, and other means.