France’s Yellow Vests still in the streets 6 months after movement begun

By Jim Hayes

France’s Yellow Vests movement continued its weekly presence on the streets on 27 April.

Tear gas was used by the police, who were trying to stop the marchers from reaching the centre of Paris. There was confrontation at Strasbourg near the border with Germany, after the marchers tried to get to the European Union headquarters. There was confrontation in Lyon as well. Continue reading France’s Yellow Vests still in the streets 6 months after movement begun

Video: Rebel Diaz comes to Australia

Rebel Diaz are in Australia. The hip hoppers from the Bronx in New York, have performed with Public Enemy and Rage Against the Machine, with their hard hitting rebel songs. They use using music as an organising tool, and to spread knowledge about injustice, political resistance and political activism.

In March 2009, Rebel Diaz opened the Rebel Diaz Arts Collective (RDAC) in an abandoned warehouse in the Bronx, to be a community arts center, includeding a performance space, a multimedia studio, computer lab, and art gallery. These provided a space for young people to learn and perform, host workshops.

On 28 February 2013, the RDAC was forcefully evicted from the building at gun point. This ocurred in the context of a battle between developers and the Bronx community.

Rebel Diaz have become targets of the New York Police Department; experiencing armed raids arrest and charged, although none could be made to stick.

Australians can now hear them live, at the venues shown in the video clip below. There are also a few examples of their music.

Chicago Teacher

Video from Rebel Diaz

Work Like Chavez

Video from Rebel Diaz

Which Side Are You On?

Video from Rebel Diaz


Greece demands Germany pay up for the damage and suffering caused by the Nazi occupation

By Adam Carlton

Greece’s SYRIZA government led by Alexis Tsipras has moved to recover damages for the German Nazi occupation during the Second World War. This was adopted by a vote of the parliament and although no figure was given in the motion, it is understood to involve more than 300 billion Euros. Continue reading Greece demands Germany pay up for the damage and suffering caused by the Nazi occupation

The rise of Extinction Rebellion is a very positive development in battle to end global warming

By Joe Montero

We are Hearing quite lot about the new ecological movement known as Extinction Rebellion. But what is this movement, which first emerged in the united kingdom, began to spread around the world, and is now to emerging in Australia? Continue reading The rise of Extinction Rebellion is a very positive development in battle to end global warming

An open letter to the Australian Government from the Philippine community and supporters in Australia

A range of Philippine community and other organisations in Australia, concerned about the growing violation of human rights in the Philippines and the role of Australia in aiding the militarisation of this country, have endorsed the following letter. It has been sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marise Pine, to bring public awareness to what is going on, and in the hope that this will lead to a change. Continue reading An open letter to the Australian Government from the Philippine community and supporters in Australia

Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)