All posts by Editor

Misinformation is rife across all media and not just social media


Everyone likes to have a go against the major social media platforms for being the agents for a flood of false news. Some of the hostility is due to campaigning waged by hostile traditional media owners competing to hold onto their share of the market. Media that wrongly portrays itself as the provider of the truth when the reality is far from this. Continue reading Misinformation is rife across all media and not just social media

Campaign has won Julian Assange’s right to appeal

By Joe Montero

Two days ago, Julian Assange scored an important win in London, where the High Court ruled that his legal team have the right to lodge an appeal against the attempt by Washington to extradite him to the United States, continuing mistreatment, and life imprisonment. This is big time global news because of its potential implications. Continue reading Campaign has won Julian Assange’s right to appeal

 May Day March Melbourne 2024

May Day this year has even more significance than usual, given the global rise of fascism and resistance to this trend, and the challenges we face here in Australia. You are invited to join us on this special day.
This year, the march will be led by defenders of Palestinian rights.
Speakers will also address the issues of freedom for Julian Assange, union rights, and AUKUS, war and the battle against imperialism.
See the other May Day related events.

Australia has not been guaranteed the AUKUS submarines and we don’t need them anyway

By Jim Hayes

Talk about misrepresenting a situation. Media stories have sounded that the AUKUS deal has been saved. Central to it was the nuclear-powered submarine deal that supposedly handed over Australia these submarines. Australia gets to pay 368 billion for them, of course. The other reality is that they would never be under the control of Australia. These submarines are part of the forward pivot directed against China and would always be under the control of the United States. Continue reading Australia has not been guaranteed the AUKUS submarines and we don’t need them anyway

Conference to support Palestinians violently shut down in Germany

By Adam Carlton

Last week, German government worked overtime to prevent a conference organised by Jewish organisations from taking place. Outright lies were used to justify suppression of free speech, and it attracted little comment from the governments and media of western nations. Is this a glimpse of where are heading towards? Continue reading Conference to support Palestinians violently shut down in Germany

Albanese promises a new manufacturing economy for Australia

by Joe Montero

It appears that Australia’s prime minister is shifting towards greater interventionism to repair Australia’s economy. Does this mean neoliberalism has ended for Labor? Or does it mean something else?

Labor’s proposed Future Made in Australia Act it is claimed, is a package to do just this, and it even boasts that a part that will see significant government investment to rebuild Australian manufacturing, which will create thousands of new jobs and provide an opportunity to move towards a sustainable low carbon economy. Continue reading Albanese promises a new manufacturing economy for Australia

Public anger results in promise to curb supermarket monopolies

By Joe Montero

Anger against big price rises by the Coles and Woolworths supermarket duopoly has been on the rise in recent times. The Australian community believes that the extent of these price rises is unjust and that it amounts to robbing their customers. This makes perfect sense when you look into it. Continue reading Public anger results in promise to curb supermarket monopolies

Latest Age Pension increase is an insult that does almost nothing to address years of neglect

The following is a statement by the president (Victoria) Joe Montero on behalf of and endorsed by the Steering Committee of Fair Go For Pensioners

The announced new age pension rise coming in effect on 20 March is being used to pretend that this group of pensioners are getting good deal. The truth is that they are still being cheated. The new base rate of $510 per week, or $8.80 for singles and $14.70 for couples, does little to address years of neglect. This miserly rise is an equivalent of two cups of coffee and a newspaper and does little to correct years of decline. Continue reading Latest Age Pension increase is an insult that does almost nothing to address years of neglect

Video: A thank you and an update from Stella Assange

Over the two day public hearing on the 20-21 February 2024, thousands of people took to the streets. We cannot thank you enough for speaking up, showing up and standing up for Julian Assange. His fight is all our fights. Thank you. However, the fight continues. If you are able to contribute financially, please consider becoming a paid subscriber on Stella’s Substack:… Continue reading Video: A thank you and an update from Stella Assange

UN expert says Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians

In this exclusive (The Guardian 27 February 2023) Nina Lakhani comments on the Israeli strategy to starve Palestinians and calls this an act of genocide in Gaza. The United Nations is speaking more loudly about this now and continuing its call for a ceasefire. She interviews Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food. Continue reading UN expert says Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians