All posts by Editor

Jeff Kennett fitted the profile of a dictator and Dan Andrews does not

By Glen Davis

The Herald Sun is the Victorian flagship of the Murdoch media empire. its bias is as blatant as the Collingwood cheer squad. Since the early 1990’s it has been little more thana cheer squad for the Liberal Party. The latter period of the Cain/Kirner Australian Labour Party (ALP) governments saw nonstop vitriolic attacks from this newspaper, combined with lavish adoration of their state opposition. Continue reading Jeff Kennett fitted the profile of a dictator and Dan Andrews does not

Australia is not properly prepared for the more deadly Covid variant

By Joe Montero 

The new Omicron variant of Vovid-19 is out now, and it has arrived in Australia. The first case has been detected in Sydney. Anyone who knew anything about Covid and had even a basic of understanding about how viruses are prone to mutate and become more infectious, knew that pandemic is far from over. Continue reading Australia is not properly prepared for the more deadly Covid variant

Country Road workers take industrial action for equal and decent pay


Country Road is a well-known clothing chain in Australia, which likes to market itself as an ethical business. The local parent company has a highly visible retail profile. In addition to the Country Road stores, it owns Witchery, Mimco, Politix and Trenery. The owner of all is the South African multinational Woolworths Holding Limited (WHL). Continue reading Country Road workers take industrial action for equal and decent pay

Australians are now working more unpaid hours

By Joe Montero

Among industrialised nations, Australia has for some time led as the land with the highest number of hours worked by full-time employees. Australia is also up there with the number of underemployed workers. This is not surprising. Overwork and underwork dovetail neatly into a labour market designed to squeeze the worker by any means available Continue reading Australians are now working more unpaid hours

Failure of COP 26 means reliance must be on the people bring about change

By Joe Montero

All the pretense over progress at Glasgow’s COP 26 talks can’t hide that it has been a monumental failure, exposing the real nature of many of the world’s leaders. They are far short of what the world needs today.

The so-called Glasgow Climate Pact has betrayed us to an at least 2.4 Degree Celsius rise in global temperature. Continue reading Failure of COP 26 means reliance must be on the people bring about change

How corporate Democrats out-maneuvered House progressives

According to Jack Rasmus (LA Progressive 7 September 2021) the Infrastructure Bill hailed so much by the Biden Administration was watered down to a shadow of its former self, by the pro Wall street faction of the democrats. The retreat was not the fault of the Trump dominated Republicans. The bill is the corner stone of Joe Biden’s Build Back Better campaign, which is now looking more like a mirage than anything substantial. Is there a lesson in this?

Continue reading How corporate Democrats out-maneuvered House progressives

AUKUS is tied to the economic and political decline of the United States

By Joe Montero

At a time of worsening international tensions, it would make a great deal of sense for Australia to be playing a constructive role towards reducing these tensions. Sadly, with Scott Morrison and his gang in Canberra, Australia has been dragged into moves that do the opposite. Continue reading AUKUS is tied to the economic and political decline of the United States

Julian Assange’s extradition appeal has come before the British High Court

By Joe Montero

The United States appeal to have Julian Assange extradited has gone on for two days and the verdict of the two High Court judges. Their decision will be announced at a future date.

The London court said the Australian’s mental health issues meant he was likely to take his own life if held under harsh conditions in a US federal prison. Continue reading Julian Assange’s extradition appeal has come before the British High Court