All posts by Editor

Video: Myanmar’s US-backed “rights groups” and armed ethnic groups often one in the same

Everything is not as it seems in Myanmar. The story we get through the media and politicians, is of a country where one side is fighting for democracy and the other is a dictatorship. It is not this simple.

The United States has been backing and often leading armed militants and fake “human rights” groups in Myanmar for decades.

This video explores the British colonial roots of Myanmar’s current ethnic armed groups, the futility of their struggle, how it serves the same divide and rule methodology used by the British generations ago.

Video from The New Atlas

What awaits Julian Assange in the Eastern District of Virginia?

The following is from John Kiriakou, a former CIA counterterrorism officer and a senior investigator with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who became a whistleblower. He spoke out because of his opposition to the use of torture during President Bush’s time and charged during the Obama administration under the Espionage Act. John Kiriakou was sentence to 23 months imprisonment. The article below was first published by Reader Supported News (13 December 2021).

Continue reading What awaits Julian Assange in the Eastern District of Virginia?

Decision by Lords to allow extradition of Julian Assange is political persecution

By Joe Montero

Britain’s High Court decided to extradite Julian Assange to the United States last Friday (10 December 2021). The two Lords who made this disgusting ruling did not deliver justice. Their role was to apply a political decision. It’s a simple as this. The Assange case has always been a show trial, and it has exposed that British justice a lot more to do about power than arriving at the truth. Continue reading Decision by Lords to allow extradition of Julian Assange is political persecution

Jeff Kennett fitted the profile of a dictator and Dan Andrews does not

By Glen Davis

The Herald Sun is the Victorian flagship of the Murdoch media empire. its bias is as blatant as the Collingwood cheer squad. Since the early 1990’s it has been little more thana cheer squad for the Liberal Party. The latter period of the Cain/Kirner Australian Labour Party (ALP) governments saw nonstop vitriolic attacks from this newspaper, combined with lavish adoration of their state opposition. Continue reading Jeff Kennett fitted the profile of a dictator and Dan Andrews does not

Australia is not properly prepared for the more deadly Covid variant

By Joe Montero 

The new Omicron variant of Vovid-19 is out now, and it has arrived in Australia. The first case has been detected in Sydney. Anyone who knew anything about Covid and had even a basic of understanding about how viruses are prone to mutate and become more infectious, knew that pandemic is far from over. Continue reading Australia is not properly prepared for the more deadly Covid variant