Unions are planning big marches to bring change to industrial relations law

By a  member of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance

Unions are planning a series of big marches around Australia, and they are expected to be the largest turnout since those that occurred during the “Your Rights at Work” campaign, directed at John Howard’s WorkChoices law. Continue reading Unions are planning big marches to bring change to industrial relations law

Video: The basic right to strike is almost dead in Australia

Although there has never really been a right to strike in Australia, changes to industrial law in recent years has brought in a regime that outlaws workers and unions walking off the job. The right to withdraw one’s labour, is a basic internationally recognised human right that does not exist in this country today. Continue reading Video: The basic right to strike is almost dead in Australia

Cricket cheating scandal is a symptom of the extreme commercialisation of society

By Joe Montero

The Australian cricket team ball tampering scandal has focused on the wrongdoing by the captain. There is no argument that Steve Smith and Dave Warner too, should be accountable for his own actions. Their 12 month suspension may even be too lenient. But to leave it at this, avoids a far more important reality. Continue reading Cricket cheating scandal is a symptom of the extreme commercialisation of society

The Turnbull government company tax cut is a bad move

By Joe Montero

The Turnbull government claims that its company tax cut will increase wages or create more jobs. But a secret survey conducted by the Business Council of Australia and reported in the media, shows that more than 80 percent of companies will use the gain to boost returns to shareholders or invest in the company. Continue reading The Turnbull government company tax cut is a bad move

Melbourne May Day march 2018

The attacks by the big corporations and government on our working conditions and many other  rights that are vital fr a decent life are mounting are likely to get worse in the near future.  This is a very good reason why we should all put in that little extra to make year’s May Day a great success, and make it part of a growing fight back.

Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)