The WorkPac v Skene federal court decision is an important union win that changes the law for casuals in coal mining. It says casual labour workers on long-term fixed rosters aren’t really casual and are entitled to conditions like paid annual leave. Continue reading Video: Union leader on the end of the “Permanent Casual”
Calls to dump the American dollar are getting stronger
By Joe Montero
One of the consequences of the current global political and economic climate, is that the position of international trade by the American dollar as the international medium of exchange and payments is under threat. Continue reading Calls to dump the American dollar are getting stronger
Andrew Bolt reveals more than his attitude towards those who really were here first
By Joe Montero
Andrew Bolt has created another storm, by saying on his television program the Bolt Report, that “Aboriginal” Australians cannot claim they were ‘here first.” This attracted a tsunami of condemnation. Continue reading Andrew Bolt reveals more than his attitude towards those who really were here first
Supporters take on NDIS for Tony to receive the care he needs
By Ugly
Tony is 63 and has Friedreichs Ataxia. This means he needs total 24-hour care to help with basic needs, and to communicate and interact with the world around him. Continue reading Supporters take on NDIS for Tony to receive the care he needs
Video: How we stop Adani
Charlie Wood in The Sustainable Hour (Geelong) explains about the upcoming National Doorknocking to Stop Adani event on 6 Oct 2018. Continue reading Video: How we stop Adani
A major increase to Newstart would boost the Australian economy
By Adam Carlton
Campaigners are calling for a substantial increase in the Newstart payment, anywhere from 75 to 200 percent. The argument is that the benefit has fallen so far behind the poverty line that a major increase is needed to restore any semblance of fairness. Continue reading A major increase to Newstart would boost the Australian economy
Kerry Stokes revelation proves that Murdoch must be taken on
by Joe Montero
A by-product of Malcolm Turnbull’s fall has been more revelations about the involvement of Rupert Murdoch in the manipulation of Australian government and politics. Continue reading Kerry Stokes revelation proves that Murdoch must be taken on
Action and not talk is needed on nursing home crisis
By Ben Wilson
The nursing home scandal keeps on going. What is coming to light now is not new. Vulnerable Australians have been exploited and mistreated for years. The industry has been a vehicle to grab government handouts for as long. Continue reading Action and not talk is needed on nursing home crisis
Labor support for TPP does not help bring the change that Australia needs
By Jim Hayes
Labor’s decision to back the new version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement has caused a stir within the party and particularly within the union movement. Continue reading Labor support for TPP does not help bring the change that Australia needs
Bigots crawl out to attack nine-year old for not standing for anthem
By Joe Montero
Australia’s army of bigots have jumped on the bandwagon, taking a nine-year old girl, for refusing to stand for the national anthem at school. Continue reading Bigots crawl out to attack nine-year old for not standing for anthem