Global economy may be closer to the edge than many people think

By Joe Montero
The talked about economic recovery form Covid-19 is being exaggerated for political reasons and has little to do with the real situation. There must be some increase in activity after coming out of a lockdown. Comparison from such a low base is almost meaningless. Measuring the difference between now and before Covid-19 would be more useful. Continue reading Global economy may be closer to the edge than many people think

Australia’s SAS regiment must be disbanded says expert

In the wake of the growing scandal over human rights abuses at the hands of the Australian Special Air Service (SAS) in Afghanistan, the breadth of opinion calling for urgent and serious action by the government is astonishing. Even among experts in this field there are those who are saying that the whole regiment is infected, compromised and must be disbanded. in this article (25 November 2020 The Guardian), Christopher Knaus explores what some of them have to say.

Continue reading Australia’s SAS regiment must be disbanded says expert

Morrison ramps up exploitation of workers

By Jim Hayes

Scott Morrison has made it clear. His government is about to move on with changing the industrial relations system. It is already heavily weighted against workers and restricts union representation, through limitation of allowable matters, red tape, and denying the right of union organisers to enter the workplace. Morrison and his government want to go much further than this. Continue reading Morrison ramps up exploitation of workers

US election has not ended the great divide and the still deepening crisis

By Joe Montero

It happened. Donald Trump is out. Joe Biden is in and the world is celebrating. While the election result and what it leads to is primarily a matter for the American population, it is also important to the rest of humanity. The reach of the United States empire extends into all continents. Continue reading US election has not ended the great divide and the still deepening crisis

Australians want action on climate and there’s no excuse to look backwards

Matt Kean, the NSW Minister for Energy and the Environment wrote this opinion piece (Sydney Morning Herald 28 October 2020), where he makes it clear that climate change is not only a reality but something that a big majority of Australians recognise and want to be acted upon. The minister expresses his support foe an ‘orderly transition”. What remains is for government to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Nevertheless, Matt Kean’s does contribute towards the debate and the process towards a meaningful change. And it shows how broad the climate change movement has become. Continue reading Australians want action on climate and there’s no excuse to look backwards

Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)