Activities for Julian Assange’s birthday on 3 July


Three locations CBD. From noon until 7.30pm.
Event will be up soon.
Save the date.Starting at 90 Collins St, British Consulate.
!2noon – 1.30pm.Then 553 St Kilda Road, US Consulate.
3pm – 4.30pmFinish up with a Yellow #Ribbons4Assange birthday gathering at:
Flinders Street Station.
6pm – 7.30pm.

Event by Melbourne 4 WikiLeaks

Continue reading Activities for Julian Assange’s birthday on 3 July

Government fights to keep secret Robo Debt documents

The government is fighting hard to prevent the disclosure of documents that stand to expose the political  nature of the Robo Debt program. Allegations that the creation of debt was deliberately engineered to discourage applying for benefits. These documents may shed some light on his. Luke Henriques-Gomes writes (The Guardian 23 June 2021) about IT expert Justin Warren, who has been fighting to get them.

Continue reading Government fights to keep secret Robo Debt documents

Move in Timor-Leste to give highest honour to Australia’s witness K

By Ben Wilson

José Ramos-Horta, the Independence leader, Nobel peace prize winner, and former President of  Timor-Leste, , has praised Australian former spy and whistleblower witness K. He said that the whitstleblower should be awarded the Medal of the Republic, Timor-Leste’s greatest honour. Continue reading Move in Timor-Leste to give highest honour to Australia’s witness K

The UN is moving to list the Great Barrier Reef as threatened by global warming

By Jim Hayes

United Nations officials have begun moves to put Australia’s Great Barrier Reef on the UNSCO list of “in danger” world heritage sites. Being on the list would pressure the Australian government to do much more to protect it. If this goes through, it will be the first time a world heritage site has been on the list because of the threat of global warming. Continue reading The UN is moving to list the Great Barrier Reef as threatened by global warming

Morrison government and media join in hypocritical and false defence of democracy

By Joe Montero

There is a great deal of hypocrisy when the Morrison government and big media led by Rupert Murdoch’s empire make a stand for who they call fighters for democracy and turn a blind eye to others. Their choice is very selective. It all depends on whether the person concerned lines up with their political interests. Continue reading Morrison government and media join in hypocritical and false defence of democracy

Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)