The weekend’s election in South Australia saw the Liberal government fall and Labor take its place. Dissatisfaction over the handling of Covid, and the state health and ambulance services were factors. Keeping Scott Morrison and his ministers out of the lection campaign was an admission that the are on the nose and a relevant factor. Continue reading What is really behind the Liberal’s loss in South Australia→
The following has been written by RFS volunteer in western Sydney and a GetUp member. He gives his view on the Morrison government’s failure to respond and provide vital support for communities suffering in the floods that have devastated Queensland and New South Wales. This has happened before and carries a terrible sense of déjà vu, he says. Perhaps this time around people will remember this in the coming election and beyond.Australia needs a comprehensive plan to deal with disasters.
Though the 1920’s and 1930’s fascism grew to a scourge in Europe and other places. Its financiers were the super-rich in Europe and the United States. One example was Henry Ford, who is said to have kept a picture of the German Fuhrer on his desk. Adolf Hitler was reputed to have a picture of Henry Ford on his desk. Ford didn’t stop here. He used his newspaper The Independent to spread Nazi views and was active in the American Nazi movement. He wasn’t alone. Continue reading Ukraine is showing elements of forgetting the lessons of history→
The future of the Channel Country is on the line. While the Queensland Government delays protecting the rivers and floodplains, oil and gas giants are on the march.
Everyone will agree that the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces is a terrible development. People have already died and more will do so. There will be political and economic damage that will last well past the present conflict. It would have been much better if this hadn’t happened. But the reality is that this is not the way it has gone. Continue reading Roots of Ukrainian crisis must be addressed to find the peace→
Scott Morrison and his team haven’t yet lost May’s federal election but it’s not going too well for them. Their fall isn’t yet written in stone. Still, it doesn’t look good for them.
I thought I’d write down a few thoughts on the coming federal election. This one is more important than usual. Australia faces a combination of deep-seated signs of economic crisis and the impact of the pandemic. Neither can be separated from the beginnings of a political crisis. Continue reading A federal election is coming and how should we deal with it→
Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)