The following by David Smith (The Guardian 26 June 2022), suggests that the decision of the judges of the United States Supreme Court to take away abortion rights is about much more and undermines the notion of what are regarded as democratic intuitions of government. Many Americans feel that these institutions are themselves a problem. David Smith does not deal with this. But it remains that the judges made their decision only hours after ruling favour of the gun lobby, and they have set the ground for the removal of other basic rights. Consequently, the nation faces the prospect of political polarisationand rising unrest.
Richard D Wolf, professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, wrote the following. It was first published by the Pressenza International Press Agency (6 June 2022). Inflation is on the rise and hurting many. Although Wolf’s alternatives to fighting this threat are within the context of the United Sates, they have universal application, and can just as easily be applied to Australia. He says there are many alternatives. He mentions three, to conclude that the fundamental problem behind inflation is the working of the market and that this is under the control of a small group of owners of the economy. His ultimate answer is democratic control of the enterprises. A situation serious enough to seriously consider such alternatives may be the trajectory we are already on.
The 4 July is the day for celebrating the winning of independence in the United States of America. For much of the world it now represents subjugation by what has become a superpower exploiting the world.
Australia’s inflation rate is rising and set to rise further still. In the first three months of this year, it rose 5.1 percent, according to Jim Chalmers, the Treasurer of the newly elected Labor government. He has suggested that further interest rate rises are on the horizon. The Reserve Bank has not made back top back interest rises for 12 years. The last time was soon after the Global Financial Crisis. Something is in the air. Continue reading Australia’s inflation rate is rising and why this is happening?→
Chris Bowen, Australia’s new climate minister has vowed to cut taxes on electric vehicles and a $20 billion “rewiring the nation” commitment to build a renewable energy grid. A climate bill will be introduced into the parliament. This bill includes a target to reduce carbon emissions by 43 percent by 2030, compared with 2005 levels. There will be discussions with state governments on how to implement this. The Climate Changer authority will be returned to its former authority, to give science-based advice on a new emissions target by 2035. Continue reading Chris Bowen announces new government’s climate policy→
We are facing challenging times. The economy is not meeting the needs of society and may soon fall over the precipice. Global warming brings a threat on a scale that we have never seen before. Democratic rights are being curtailed. Meanwhile, the billionaires continue to have their pockets filled by crooked politicians. This should not be the Australia we want.
The onus is on us, to find a way out of this mess and chart a clear alternative direction. We must focus on what is most important and leave differences behind.
Australian for a New Democracy has emerged to champion this cause. We are not associated with a political party.
Progress can only be made through widespread consultation and the involvement of many within their communities, organisations, and workplaces. Join us.
Come along to this forum. Hear the speakers and contribute to the discussion. The aim is to achieve agreement on some practical measures that will take us onto the next step.
There is immunity for the silver spoons sand none for the working-class British, says Owen Jones The Guardian 25 May 2022). The Partygate investigation reveals that security staff and cleaners were treated abysmally. The police brass refused to investigate the illegal parties. Meanwhile, those without the protection of power were treated harshly. prime Minister Boris Johnson’s excuse is long hours of work at 10 Downing Street. A pity similar consideration hasn’t been offered to nurses and other health workers battling the Covid pandemic. Their real wages have been cut. But Partygate is not their greatest crime.They have done much worse.