Making ends meet is getting harder for a lot of people. The wages share on national income continues to fall. One third of the workforce is in precarious work and often not earning enough to maintain their standard of living as it was. Unemployment benefits and pensions lag further and further behind. Continue reading A guaranteed universal income is needed today→
Sister Pat arrived back in Australia amidst a crowd of Filipino and Australian friends coming from various organisations, like Migrante Australia and the Philippines Australia Solidarity Association (PASA), bearing placards and streamers welcoming her, thanking her for her genuine service to the poor and oppressed Filipinos, whilst protesting President Duterte’s harassment and attacks on critics and those who oppose his fascist and dictatorial rule. Continue reading Migrante Australia welcomes Sister Pat back to Australia→
In a bizarre effort to turn reality upside down, the Ruddock so-called inquiry into religious freedom has recommended allowing private schools, to turn away gay students who are gay or have a different sexual orientation, has become the talk around this country. Closely associated is the call to also allow these schools to get rid of gay teachers and adopt discriminatory employment practices. Continue reading Government must be stopped from allowing schools to discriminate→
The nursing home scandal keeps on going. What is coming to light now is not new. Vulnerable Australians have been exploited and mistreated for years. The industry has been a vehicle to grab government handouts for as long. Continue reading Action and not talk is needed on nursing home crisis→