by Joe Montero and Ben Wilson
If Australia is going to have a national day, why not have it on a day that inspires? Continue reading Stop the farce of celebrating Australia Day on 26 January
If Australia is going to have a national day, why not have it on a day that inspires? Continue reading Stop the farce of celebrating Australia Day on 26 January
Sad to see that Australia has stood out for the wrong reason at the COP 24 summit at Katowice in Poland. Continue reading Only Australia joins the US at pro-coal event during COP24 climate summit
By Jim Hayes
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for Labor winning the federal election next year. The alternative of an ongoing Coalition government would be a disaster in many ways. More so, when it is hell bent on transforming the Australian political landscape into an ugly expression of entrenched inequality, exploitation and repression, which is far worse than anything experienced before. Continue reading Build unity to get rid of the Coalition
The Museum of Australian Democracy and the Institute for Governance and Policy analysis at the University of Canberra have just released their findings from joint research. It tells us what everybody knows already, that Australia does not trust politicians and the existing political institutions. Continue reading Australia no longer trusts what passes for democracy here
Although Peter Dutton did not become Australia’s new prime minister, those behind the attempt have not lost. Scott Morrison might have got the guernsey. This did not stop them from strengthening their position in the cabinet and party room. Continue reading Morrison government can only deliver more of the same
The ongoing brawl within the Liberal Party and the dumping of Malcolm Turnbull is proof that something big is happening on the Australian political landscape, and it is not limited to the usual numbers games of parliamentary politics. Continue reading Challenge to Turnbull more than a plot
IPAN calls for a public discussion on neutrality for Australia “in the face of continuing uncertainty towards the alliance and global rules-based order”. Continue reading Call for a better Plan for Australia’s defence
As the old saying goes, Jobs Minister Senator Michaelia Cash is “in more…than a Werribee duck.” She is sinking over the fallout from the Australian Workers Union Affair. Continue reading Michaelia Cash and the government are working hard to bury the real story over the AWU raid
Julie Bishop is on a mission to “defend the rules that have underpinned a period of relative global peace and prosperity.” Continue reading Julie Bishop is on a mission to defend global rules
Malcolm Turnbull has certainly got himself into a mess. Thirty times and he’s down for the count at Newspoll. Continue reading The sharks are circling a wounded Malcolm Turnbull