Category Archives: Economy

Revealed documents show the bad side of Bob Hawke

By Joe Montero

On 4 July American celebrated their 4 July. This I s their day of independence, marking victory over Britain and the end of being a colony. The American revolution was important. It inspired the word, stood for freedom from tyranny and the right of a people to choose their own future. This is worth celebrating. Continue reading Revealed documents show the bad side of Bob Hawke

Big business and Morrison government want the minimum wage frozen

By Joe Montero

In its submission to the current minimum wage case, Australian Chamber of Commerce (ACCI) and Industry has put that Australia cannot afford it. It wrongly suggests that Australia already has one of the highest minimum wages in the world and poses higher wages as counter to creating jobs. Continue reading Big business and Morrison government want the minimum wage frozen

Systemic failure is wrecking Australian economy not the pandemic

By Joe Montero

Greg Jericho wrote (The Guardian 28 January 2021), “Covid-19 has actually hidden the weakness of the economy”. He hit the nail on the head and adds that “Australia’s economy has been weak for many years now”. The problem is that policy makers are now hiding behind the Pandemic to avoid admitting the truth, and this stands to make the situation even worse. Continue reading Systemic failure is wrecking Australian economy not the pandemic