Among industrialised nations, Australia has for some time led as the land with the highest number of hours worked by full-time employees. Australia is also up there with the number of underemployed workers. This is not surprising. Overwork and underwork dovetail neatly into a labour market designed to squeeze the worker by any means available Continue reading Australians are now working more unpaid hours→
At a time of worsening international tensions, it would make a great deal of sense for Australia to be playing a constructive role towards reducing these tensions. Sadly, with Scott Morrison and his gang in Canberra, Australia has been dragged into moves that do the opposite. Continue reading AUKUS is tied to the economic and political decline of the United States→
Economic and social problems in country Australia often go unnoticed in the city. It hasn’t been easy in the last few decades and living in small communities and isolated by distance means few alternative options. Continue reading Country banks are closing and leaving people without→
The following explanation by economist, professor, author, lawyer, and political commentator Robert Reich, applies to the situation in the United States; The same can be applied to Australia The only difference is that the amount, will differ, due to a smear economy and population. But it will still be an equivalent to meet similar needs. Taxation reform and on this scale should be part of our conversation.
Wealth tax: $2.75 trillion
Funding the IRS: $1.75 Trillion
Taxing Wall St trades: $777 Billion
Repealing Trump tax cuts: $500 Billion
Raising the top tax rate by 1%: $123 Billion
Eliminating loopholes: $119 Billion Total: $6 Trillion. Nearly double the cost of Joe Biden’s Build Back Better reconciliation bill.
One of the biggest disgraces in recent Australian history must be the corporate misuse of the JobKeeper payments last year. It did not take long for reports to come in on how certain companies were diverting money to themselves, which was supposed go to workers forced to stay home. Continue reading JobKeeper was used as a vehicle for corporate welfare→
To suggest that worry about where the global economy is heading is serious is something of an understatement. Underlying the mood is the decision of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to release $650 billion to help member nations in trouble. Continue reading IMF moves to provide $650 billion in aid for the crisis→
The cost of living is rising in Australia. Last week’s revealed figures are an increase of 6 percent in the cost of fruit, 13.5 percent for medical services, 4.9 percent for footwear, 4.9 percent for furniture, and 5.9 for petrol. This doesn’t include the ongoing rise in the cost of housing. Continue reading Rising living costs and low wages are hints of a faltering economy→
The new bipartisanship on taxation policy will prove to be a disaster for Australia. This is about cutting tax for the wealthiest 10 percent of Australians. It means that the bipartisanship extends to making us an even less equal nation. Continue reading Cutting the top tax rate is wrong→
Australia has long been far too dependent on foreign investment. The major negative consequences have been dominant ownership by overseas investor ownership and decision making power over the Australian economy and politics. Continue reading Foreign investment is falling but is still in control→
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