By Adam Carlton
Close to a hundred workers at the XXXX plant at Milton in Brisbane plan to walk off the job over job security and threats to lower working conditions. Continue reading Workers at XXXX in Brisbane to strike over jobs
Close to a hundred workers at the XXXX plant at Milton in Brisbane plan to walk off the job over job security and threats to lower working conditions. Continue reading Workers at XXXX in Brisbane to strike over jobs
Continue reading March on Palm Sunday for justice for refugees
In one of a suite of new submissions to a Senate inquiry, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies academic Juan Carlos Boué warned that unless Australia “radically overhauled its fiscal regime,” it would mean the second lowest share of government revenue from oil and gas in the world. Continue reading Australia is losing $90 billion in taxes not paid by oil and gas companies
This advertisement is part of the new Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) campaign to change the rules and should be seen by everyone. This is how toady’s reality feels to millions of Australians. Continue reading Video: Big business has too much power
Italy’s Five Star Movement (M5S) topped the polls in last week’s election. It was born in 2009, expressing the massive disillusionment with traditional political parties and politics. The five stars represent its core polices for change – public water, sustainable transport, sustainable development, right to Internet access, and environmentalism. Continue reading Italian election has shown widespread discontent with the political establishment
Supported by nearly every union organisation in the country 5.3 million women go on strike for 24 hours on International Women’s Day, and a large number take part in massive street marches throughout the country. Workplaces, including offices, class rooms and newsrooms were left empty. Their banner was “If we stop, the world stops.”
In late 1964, the National Service Act was introduced by the Menzies government. This legislation made it compulsory for 20-year-old males to register for conscription. Continue reading The impact of the Draft Resisters Movement
The demonstration on Friday 2 March 2018 outside the Minister for Housing, Martin Foley’s electorate office was well attended by public housing tenants and their supporters. Continue reading Public housing campaigners front up to Minister’s office
These are not scenes from a poor country in Africa, Latin America or Asia, but the reality of life for many in the United states of America. Continue reading Video: Homeless in the streets of Los Angeles