All posts by Editor

Melbourne Town Hall meeting launches battle to take on industrial relations system and more

By Joe Montero

By any account, yesterday’s (17 April) meeting of union delegates at the Melbourne Town Hall, was an impressive launch to an active major campaign to bring about an end to what is now widely regarded as an unfair industrial regime in Australia. Continue reading Melbourne Town Hall meeting launches battle to take on industrial relations system and more

How the US Occupied the 30 percent of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas

This article by Whitney Webb  (MPN News 16 April 2018) provides an insight into reasons why the United states wants to continue a presence in Syria, and this is not about humanitarianism. According to the author, the motives are securing economic interests for American corporations, confronting the Russians, partitioning the country and aiming at Iran.

Continue reading How the US Occupied the 30 percent of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas

Syrian gas attack is a reminder of the weapons of mass destruction lie

This contribution is a response by a group of individuals, to a flood of disinformation over the current events in Syria.

There is a real danger that history may repeat in Syria, after the allegation that the Syrian Bashara Assad led government has used chemical weapons against civilians, and the subsequent reaction of the United States, Great Britain and France.

Continue reading Syrian gas attack is a reminder of the weapons of mass destruction lie

Unions are planning big marches to bring change to industrial relations law

By a  member of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance

Unions are planning a series of big marches around Australia, and they are expected to be the largest turnout since those that occurred during the “Your Rights at Work” campaign, directed at John Howard’s WorkChoices law. Continue reading Unions are planning big marches to bring change to industrial relations law