All posts by Editor

Rupert Murdoch aims to continue being the political puppet master

By Jim Hayes

The method has used to guarantee control over his media empire is a window to the character and the way he sees the world. Unusual control measures began when he used his influence to persuade the Australian Stock Exchange in 1993 to give him the right to issue non-voting shares. He needed the money and wanted control. Those buying shares of this type contributed their money but didn’t get a say on how the company is run. Continue reading Rupert Murdoch aims to continue being the political puppet master

Plan to destroy public housing is being fought by residents


Melbourne’s high rise public housing tenants are fighting the Victorin government’s plan to forcefully demolish their homes. There has been no consultation, and most of them, 20,000 out of 30,000 will be thrown out into the high costs public housing market.

Some will be offered places in newly defined “affordable housing,” where the rents are set at up to 70 percent of market rent. Public housing residents will still be put into much worse position by losing the 25 percent of income rent they now have. They will be excluded from the high-cost inner suburbs where many ow live. Continue reading Plan to destroy public housing is being fought by residents

Attempted killing of Trump brings new danger to the United States

By Joe Montero

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump yesterday made big news. It’s a significant event with great potential for the political elite and the big media associated with it, to manipulate and use to crack down on American society. To target certain sections of the population even more than they are now. Continue reading Attempted killing of Trump brings new danger to the United States

Australia no believes in the present political system

By Jim Hayes

Only 37 percent of Australians are satisfied with “how democracy is working in Austral” according to the latest Essential Poll. The use of the word democracy is not the appropriate one here though. Saying that this is the proportion of Australians see that the political system operates in their interests. This has profound implications. Continue reading Australia no believes in the present political system

US imperialism is a blight on the world and in Australia

Organisations around the world and in here are taking action outside US embassies and consulates as an act of solidarity and unity in fighting the common enemy.

People demand the right to build their own future and freedom from attack, repression and war, from Washinton on behalf of Wall Street.

Supported by

Latin America Solidarity Network
Venezuela Solidarity Campaign
Melbourne Vigil for Assange
Free Palestine Coalition
Unionists for Palestine
Australia Cuba Friendship Society
Chile Solidarity Campaign
Black Peoples Union
May Day Committee (Victoria)
Centre for international Cooperation and Disarmament
International Leage of Peoples Struggle (Australia)
Socialist Alliance
Australian Communist Party

Dutton’s nuclear plan is dangerous and must be stopped

By Jim Hayes

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has finally announced some detail of the Liberal and National parties’ nuclear energy plan, which includes the building of 7 power plants. An attempt to legitimise this by connecting it to the creation of jobs and opportunities for an Australia gripped by a cost-of-living crisis has Already begun, and the Murdoch controlled media is pushing this and manufacturing public opinion. Continue reading Dutton’s nuclear plan is dangerous and must be stopped

Inquiry into the corrupt behaviour of PwC is a whitewash

By Jim Hayes

The report from the Senate inquiry into the PwC scandal has recommended that the multinational consultancy firm should be “open and honest,” implying this this isn’t how it has behaved. The report also recommended stricter regulation of large partnerships between government and large private organisations. In all there are 12 recommendations. Continue reading Inquiry into the corrupt behaviour of PwC is a whitewash

Donald Trump represents the elite and not the people

By Jim Hayes

Donald Trump has been convicted of a list of felonies. Don’t expect him to be locked up. In fact, his convictions will help him to become President of the United Sates for the second time. Trump and his backers know how to use spectacle, and the convictions are being used to portray him as a victim of a powerful elite controlling government, the law, and society. Continue reading Donald Trump represents the elite and not the people

Reaction to Gaza slaughter eposes the hypocrisy of western governments

By Joe Montero

The slaughter in Gaza brought about by Israeli bombs and bullets has resulted in a horrific death toll of civilians, of which more than half are children and women. The attacks clearly target the civilian population rather than combatants.

Another major casualty has been the standing of western governments. They project themselves as the champions of democracy and humanitarianism. But they are revealed as the greatest enablers of denying basic rights to a besieged population. Their enabling and arms support for Israel’s bloodletting denies regarding Palestinians being treated as human beings, rather than vermin to be disposed of. Continue reading Reaction to Gaza slaughter eposes the hypocrisy of western governments