On February 26, the Royal Commission into aged care will release its final report. The investigation was forced by a series of scandals that indicate mistreatment of residents in nursing homes over many years. Continue reading No more rorts and fix aged care→
Controversy has surrounded the Morrison government’s choice of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine to tackle the Coronavirus19. The problem is not only that it has not been tested in the field enough to guarantee immunity and guarantee safety form harmful side effects. This is bad enough. It is also fact that politics has got in the way. Continue reading Australia must have more than just two Covid-19 vaccines→
It is no secret that the Australian political system is seriously corrupted through large scale donations to political parties. Just how much these donations amount to is hidden behind grossly inadequate disclosure laws and lack of policing. This means that there is a dark money channel, funneling funds to gain influence over the political system. Continue reading Political donations are much bigger than most think→
Scott Morrison has banded together with the most extreme corporate executives and big business lobbyists to draft new workplace laws that would remove job security and cut wages for millions of workers. The Australian council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has begun an advertising campaign to inform the public on what is going on.
Nathan Fuller (LA Progressive) provides an overview of where the Julian Assange case is up to. Despite the United States having technically lost it case for extradition earlier this month, an appeal has been filed and Assange is still imprisoned. At the time of handing down her decision, District Judge Vanessa Baraitster explicitly supported most of the United State’s case and a few days later, refused to allow bail. The result was plainly determined by political factors, using potential suicide risk as the escape hatch. For this reason, the case is still for form being won, and the campaign for his freedom maintained.
The following is a response the Movement of Moro and Indigenous Peoples for Self Determination, following an order to shoot to kill a prominent leader. Two major centres of indigenous populations, the islands of Mindanao and Luzon, have been militarised and subject to numerous human rights violations. The target in this case is a leader in Luzon’s Cordillera region. This is happening in our neighbourhood. Australia should be doing everything possible to put a stop to it