Juntera is a feature film-length narrative documentary about the life and work of a Chavista political organisation in five Peasant Comunas in Venezuela. It was made by the Bolivar and Zamora Revolutionary Current (la Corriente Revolucionaria Bolívar y Zamora or CRBZ).Comunas is the Spanish term for communes. Continue reading Film Night “Juntera” – Supporting the Venezuelan people→
In an explosive, rare long form interview UK hip hop legend and activist Lowkey speaks to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s partner Stella Moris.
In the interview, Stella Moris speaks to Lowkey about huge new revelations about the case “The key witness is a diagnosed sociopath, a fraudster who was already convicted of embezzling Wikileaks for 50 or 60 thousand…The key allegations against Julian have been fabricated by him..
He admits he did that in exchange for total immunity. Under the protection of the US government he then continued his crime spree” Moris speaks about fearing for Assange’s mental and physical health “I am always concerned for Julian’s health…
“What’s happening to Julian is monstrous. It’s the worst forces attacking the greatest virtues… “It’s the vision of us being reunited. Of him being able to be a father to our children and this injustice to end that helps us get through every day” Stella Moris on US security services spying on Assange in the Embassy “One of the security guards at the Embassy told me that I shouldn’t bring our baby anymore because he had been told to steal a nappy.
These people were acting on instruction. They are receiving emails saying install that camera there, install a microphone under that fire extinguisher, steal that nappy, look at ways to poison Assange” “A case like Julian’s which is the most significant press freedom case of our century which raises the most fundamental issues about what it means to live in a democracy, about our ability to know what governments do in our name, with our money. The fact that governments cover these things up and if there exposed they will go after you.”
The Olympic games will end in a few days. The mighty achievements of the athletes, pushing to the limits of human capacity, is a monumental achievement that draws in the world. They are also big business, and this creates a contradiction between the stated values of excellence, friendship, and respect and the crass greed of commercialisation and cheap politics. Continue reading The Olympic Games would be much healthier if not subject to the control of big money→
To suggest that worry about where the global economy is heading is serious is something of an understatement. Underlying the mood is the decision of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to release $650 billion to help member nations in trouble. Continue reading IMF moves to provide $650 billion in aid for the crisis→
The cost of living is rising in Australia. Last week’s revealed figures are an increase of 6 percent in the cost of fruit, 13.5 percent for medical services, 4.9 percent for footwear, 4.9 percent for furniture, and 5.9 for petrol. This doesn’t include the ongoing rise in the cost of housing. Continue reading Rising living costs and low wages are hints of a faltering economy→
Lesley Rankin is a researcher at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). She wrote the following article (Open Democracy 28 July 2021), and argues that the failure to do enough to tackle the climate crisis is a failure of political leadership and the to involve the population as active participants. This means that dealing with the environmental challenge and preparing for future shocks are inseparable from the battle for justice.
The new bipartisanship on taxation policy will prove to be a disaster for Australia. This is about cutting tax for the wealthiest 10 percent of Australians. It means that the bipartisanship extends to making us an even less equal nation. Continue reading Cutting the top tax rate is wrong→
Australia has long been far too dependent on foreign investment. The major negative consequences have been dominant ownership by overseas investor ownership and decision making power over the Australian economy and politics. Continue reading Foreign investment is falling but is still in control→
Last Friday, the Port of Melbourne was shut down by determined members of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA). They did this to send a message to tugboat operator Svitzer. The dispute is over negotiations for a new workplace agreement have stalled for 18 months, causing growing uncertainty. Continue reading The new battle on Melbourne waterfront to defend rights at work→
Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)