All posts by Editor

Both bad climate policy and no policy will see Australia lose jobs and investment overseas

Brian Wilcox, the chief executive of the national employer association, the Australian Industry Group (AI), wrote the following article (The Guardian  16 October 2021). He puts the case for Australia embracing a carbon neutral policy direction. Whether one believes that the Morrison government is moving in this direction or not, it remains that from the viewpoint of  much of Australian business, to not keep up with the pace of other nations will inevitably mean loss of trade and investment, a blow to the economy, and a loss of jobs and income for many. He says that the transition means paying due attention to the mass application of new technologies through the economy, providing suitable incentives, and the involvement of  in making this a reality. Brian Wilcox speaks for those he represents within the context of division in the Coalition, and some of what he says may not be in accord with everyone’s views. Nevertheless, he makes good points that should be taken seriously.

Continue reading Both bad climate policy and no policy will see Australia lose jobs and investment overseas

Video: What if we actually taxed the rich?

The following explanation by economist, professor, author, lawyer, and political commentator Robert Reich,  applies to the situation in the United States; The same can be applied to Australia The only difference is that the amount, will differ, due to a smear economy and population. But it will still be an equivalent to meet similar needs. Taxation reform and on this scale should be part of our conversation.

Wealth tax: $2.75 trillion

Funding the IRS: $1.75 Trillion

Taxing Wall St trades: $777 Billion

Repealing Trump tax cuts: $500 Billion

Raising the top tax rate by 1%: $123 Billion

Eliminating loopholes: $119 Billion Total: $6 Trillion. Nearly double the cost of Joe Biden’s Build Back Better reconciliation bill.

Video by Robert Reich

The Pandora Papers show the scale of global web of deceit for the rich and powerful

By Joe Montero

The attest trove of leaked documents to go public have become known as the Pandora Papers. Those that have been released implicate 35 current and former world leaders, and the list includes about 400 Australians. Continue reading The Pandora Papers show the scale of global web of deceit for the rich and powerful

COVID payments to end and this will hurt Australia

By Ben Wilson

The Morrison government’s decision to start withdrawing emergency support is a kick in the teeth for those who find themselves out of work because of Covid. Contrast this with the generous loan facility to be set up for mining projects, and protection against loss from real estate promised to banks, and other lending institutions. This comes on top of generous handouts already given to mates. Continue reading COVID payments to end and this will hurt Australia

Centrelink payments must rise to avoid a looming poverty crisis

By Joe Montero

An Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) survey has  shown that 96 percent of those on Centrelink payments say they are struggling harder under the lockdowns. Most have had no government assistance this year. As the gap between income and the cost of housing continues to widen, a worrying 41.5 percent say they are at risk of homelessness. Continue reading Centrelink payments must rise to avoid a looming poverty crisis