All posts by Editor

Centrelink payments must rise to avoid a looming poverty crisis

By Joe Montero

An Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) survey has  shown that 96 percent of those on Centrelink payments say they are struggling harder under the lockdowns. Most have had no government assistance this year. As the gap between income and the cost of housing continues to widen, a worrying 41.5 percent say they are at risk of homelessness. Continue reading Centrelink payments must rise to avoid a looming poverty crisis

Coal companies are being helped to sidestep protection of the environment

From New South Wales

Australia has been lied to. Environmental protection rules are being pushed aside to help new coal mines to operate with impunity. A key centre is New South Wales, where the federal and state governments have allowed companies to push back deadlines to meet deadlines on their sites. Continue reading Coal companies are being helped to sidestep protection of the environment

First Nations Workers Alliance – Priorities and Building

Event by Living Incomes For Everyone – LIFE

Wednesday 8 September 7.30 pm

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
There will be time for attendees to ask questions and make brief comments.
Our tutorial guest is Lara Watson. She will be joined by 2 other First Nations activists to discuss the purpose and role of the First Nations Workers Alliance, its current and future priorities, and solidarity building. Continue reading First Nations Workers Alliance – Priorities and Building

Detention of diplomat for extradition to the US is wrong and illegal

By Joe Montero

Most Australians have not heard of Alex Saab. His case has not made headlines here. Most likely reason is that he is the Ambassador to the African Union for Venezuela.

The matter began on 12 June last year. Police, acting on a political direction, forcefully abducted Ambassador from a plane at the Cabo Verde airport and put into solitary confinement. Continue reading Detention of diplomat for extradition to the US is wrong and illegal

Central banks helping funnel trillions of dollars into fossil fuels despite climate pledges

Theodore Whyte (Resilience 26 August 2021) argues that central banks across the world are being less than honest about pledges to pull out of the fossil fuel industry when they are doing the opposite. A campaign marketing to build a positive image for  population concerned about the climate crisis, is not the same thing as acting on it.

Continue reading Central banks helping funnel trillions of dollars into fossil fuels despite climate pledges

Defeat in Afghanistan was completely predictable

By Jim Hayes

As the fallout from the hasty retreat of the United Sates forces from Afghanistan continues, are those things have been made perfectly clear.

This is the biggest defeat  the United States has suffered since Vietnam and is looking vulnerable. The flow on is that it will give encouragement to those in many other countries, fighting Washington’s pressure on their turf. Continue reading Defeat in Afghanistan was completely predictable