Housing crisis cannot be solved with token social housing and on feeding market failure


The federal government has now approved grants for the construction of thousands of rent-capped and social homes, which is supported by its $10 billion housing fund established one year ago.

Housing Minister Clare O’Neil said 185 housing projects had been green lit in the first round of grants distributed through the Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF), a move which would deliver a combined 13,742 affordable and social homes out of the 40,000 homes to be built over 5 years. Continue reading Housing crisis cannot be solved with token social housing and on feeding market failure

Police violence in Melbourne last week undermined right to speak

By Joe Montero

Last week, from 11 to the 14 September to be precise, an important protest against the holding of the Land forces convention in Melbourne took place, and it attracted an unprecedented and violent police response. There are still quite a few good people who still don’t appreciate the truth of what happened, since they have been influenced by prejudiced media that reversed the truth and ongoing loyalty to Labor or the Coalition. Continue reading Police violence in Melbourne last week undermined right to speak

Melbourne weapons expo to face massive opposition from thousands

By Joe Montero

Thousands ate expected in Melbourne this week. They will be participating in a week of activities designed to disrupt the Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition. This is a major arms dealer show designed to sell instruments of war. It will take place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 11-13 September. Continue reading Melbourne weapons expo to face massive opposition from thousands

France heads for a new crisis as Macron continues to block the election winners

By Jim Hayes

France is entering into a new phase in its political crisis. Embattled president Emmanuel Macron continues to hold out on allowing last month’s election victors to form a government. France is now effectively without a government.

On Monday Macron slammed the door on allowing a New Popular Front (NFP) coalition government, despite the Front having secured the biggest vote. Headed by France Unbowed and includes The Greens, Communist Party, and what’s left of the Socialist Party. Continue reading France heads for a new crisis as Macron continues to block the election winners

Huge marches in defence of the CFMEU seen across Australia

By Joe Montero and Ben Wilson

Albo has serious problem on his hands. He did what to many Labor stalwarts, unions members, and just about anyone in favour of fair play as unthinkable. He went out to destroy the CFMEU. This is what it amounts to.

Why would he want to do this? It’s not hard to see that this Labor government has cozied up to big money and its demands for economic and social change that benefits those at the top at the expense of those below. At a time when the cost-of-living crisis is biting, Albo’s government embraces the continuation of neoliberalism. Continue reading Huge marches in defence of the CFMEU seen across Australia

The U.S.-Led Ceasefire Talks Are Just Buying More Time for Israel’s Genocide

Sunjeev Bery says (The Intercept 22 August 2024) breaking this cynical cycle requires getting honest about Biden and Harris’s roles in this blood-soaked charade. Washington talks peace while continuing to support Israel’s killing through military and diplomatic support. The so-called peace plan now being put forward is no peace plan but a cynical means to set the ground to justify more aggression. Sunjeev Bery is a foreign policy analyst and human rights advocate. Continue reading The U.S.-Led Ceasefire Talks Are Just Buying More Time for Israel’s Genocide

Mass Anger, Capitalism, and 2024 Elections

Richard D Wolff, professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts and visiting fellow of International Affairs at New York’s New School University puts forward his view about the connection between rising anger and the decline of western capitalism (Economy for all 14 August 2024). He goes on to point out that traditional politics is in denial and mainstream parties similarly focus on administering for the 1 percent. The political right uses the anger but doesn’t understand it. As for the left, it has largely become hooked on tinkering and trying to make western capitalism more acceptable. It too fails to understand that rising anger is the result of the decline of western capitalism and will remain impotent until this changes. What applies to western capitalism applies to Australia in its own unique form.

Continue reading Mass Anger, Capitalism, and 2024 Elections

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