The United States claims to defend democracy while being its greatest global violator

By Joe Montero

Under  the Biden administration, the United States is trying hard to renew  its claim as the  defender of  democracy and human rights around the world. Yet no power has and continues to do more to undermine democracy and human rights. This  is the stark reality. Continue reading The United States claims to defend democracy while being its greatest global violator

Decline of U.S. capitalist system is causing growing desperation

The following from Richard D. Wolff and published by Economy for All (23 April 2021). Economy for All is associated with the (Independent Media Institute) in the United States. This article is about the state of capitalism in the United Sates. Many of the features of decline described, This could just as easily be referring to Australia. The difference is that Wolf’s country has been a global empire, while ours a small economy largely integrated into the American one. Wolff describes the ongoing decline of the global empire, the inability of those at the top to turn the tide. He also talks about the widening social divide and responses to the decline. which is like being on a moving train on track to hit a stone wall.

Continue reading Decline of U.S. capitalist system is causing growing desperation

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