As West Papuans celebrated Human Rights Day on 10 December and took part in ceremonies, where the independence Morning Star flag was raised, the Indonesian occupation forces came in and arrested dozens. So far, about 130 are known about. A together about 500 people have been arrested over the past week,as the occupation authorities tried to clamp down on the growing frequency of protests.
The morning Star Flag

Human rights day was used to speak out against human rights abuses, and to hand over a petition, urging the Indonesians top accept fact finding missions by the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum.
Signing the West Papua petition

The Australian government has been giving support to the occupation and training its forces, which carried out systematic murder has carried out systematic murder, torture and detentions. It is time for this to stop this assistance and support the West Papuans to decide their own future.
Video by Free West Papua TV
Video by thejuicemedia