By Joe Montero
It’s just not good enough. The proposed changes to the Australian Banking Association (ABA) code of conduct won’t fix what is wrong with the banks. Continue reading Australia cannot afford to be fooled by new bank code of conduct
It’s just not good enough. The proposed changes to the Australian Banking Association (ABA) code of conduct won’t fix what is wrong with the banks. Continue reading Australia cannot afford to be fooled by new bank code of conduct
Julian Assange is an Australian citizen who has been “arbitrarily” detained for over 6 years. Originally over demonstrably false and politically motivated charges by Sweden. There was a genuine fear of a conspiracy to have him extradited to the United States, to be tried for treason or espionage.
Continue reading Help Julian Assange return safely home to Australia
IPAN calls for a public discussion on neutrality for Australia “in the face of continuing uncertainty towards the alliance and global rules-based order”. Continue reading Call for a better Plan for Australia’s defence
The proof is in. A personal debt bomb is ticking, and it has the potential to pull the Australian economy down the drain, if something is not done about it. Continue reading Australia’s debt crisis is real and needs to be dealt with
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp has lifted its war on the ABC and SBS, by pushing for the Australian government to review the charters by which the two operate. Continue reading Murdoch attacks ABC and SBS to further aim of complete control of media
Continue reading New laws will allow the use of military to break protests
The usual suspects are now chorusing that multiculturalism has failed Australia. It is curious that every horse in the Murdoch stable has come out with this one at the same time. Continue reading Multiculturalism is a description of Australia’s reality and not a policy
Continue reading Corporations invested their Trump tax cuts into failing stock buybacks
The following published by Byline Investigations on 7 July 2018, outs senior figured in Murdoch’s media empire in the U.K., who have been named as being involved in unlawful news gathering activities. Evidence provided in the High Court in London is the source of the information. This exposure is important, because it provides a window into the modus operandi of the media giant, which is not confined to only one country. There have been calls for an investigation into whether similar methods have been used in Australia. Perhaps this will contribute to bringing more pressure for this to come about.
Continue reading Murdoch journalists linked to unlawful news-gathering in the United Kingdom
He’s one of Australia’s most celebrated whistleblowers. And he has a warning for us.