Video: Israeli airstrikes have been targeting civilian neighbourhoods in Gaza

Israel is continuing its war against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. A block of flats is repeatedly targeted by missiles (see bottom video clip). The victims are not combatants. In this case one man died and a woman lost her unborn child and toddler son. This raid carried out last week is only one instance of the continuing bombardment that is going on. There was conflict with Hamas and some missiles were fired into Israel. But it should be noted that was is a response to military action against civilians that has been continuous for some time. Continue reading Video: Israeli airstrikes have been targeting civilian neighbourhoods in Gaza

Misconduct by banks and other financial institutions will not be stopped by tinkering at the edges

By Jim Hayes

Founding chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Professor Allan Fels, has slammed the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), and accused it of being a toothless tiger, when it comes to dealing with the misconduct of the banks. Continue reading Misconduct by banks and other financial institutions will not be stopped by tinkering at the edges

Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)