Appointment of Tony Abbott is an insult to the First Nations

By Ugly

There’s no two ways about it. The appointment of Tony Abbott, as the Special Envoy on Indigenous Affairs, assisting to ministers for Indigenous affairs and Health, is an offensive insult to the First Australians, and fits in with Morrison’s appeasement of  the radicals within the Liberal Party. It sends out a clear signal that the Morrison government policy aims to return to the era of paternalism and denial of basic rights. Continue reading Appointment of Tony Abbott is an insult to the First Nations

Nauru 12-year-old Nauru boy at imminent risk of dying

The following by  Ben Doherty (the Guardian 16 August 2018) tells of the disgraceful manner in which the Australian authorities are treating vulnerable children detained at in Nauru. Imagine how desperate a child must be to go on a hunger strike and be prepared to die. Other children are also facing a serious health risk. Australia’s reputation as a caring nation is being seriously tarnish. The cruelty must end.
Continue reading Nauru 12-year-old Nauru boy at imminent risk of dying

Real Unemployment accounts for over 18 percent of the workforce

By Joe Montero

According to the latest statistics from Roy Morgan, unemployment stood at `10 percent in July. The Morgan rate differs from the 5.4 stated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for June, because it considers all those who would work, if they had the opportunity, and does not consider one hour of work during the survey week as being employed. The Roy Morgan is therefore much more accurate. Continue reading Real Unemployment accounts for over 18 percent of the workforce

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