The NEG is a con that will deliver neither lower prices or cleaner energy
By Jim Hayes
A lot of people are talking about the National energy Guarantee (NEG). As Malcolm Turnbull and his government pursue it, the opposition grows. Continue reading The NEG is a con that will deliver neither lower prices or cleaner energy
Real Unemployment accounts for over 18 percent of the workforce
By Joe Montero
According to the latest statistics from Roy Morgan, unemployment stood at `10 percent in July. The Morgan rate differs from the 5.4 stated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for June, because it considers all those who would work, if they had the opportunity, and does not consider one hour of work during the survey week as being employed. The Roy Morgan is therefore much more accurate. Continue reading Real Unemployment accounts for over 18 percent of the workforce
Great Barrier reef money and the stink of corruption
By Adam Carlton
The Turnbull government has handed over $444 million to a shonky outfit, which falsely claims that it works for the preservation of the Great Barrier Reef, and this has bounced back to hit the government in the teeth. Continue reading Great Barrier reef money and the stink of corruption
Video: Israeli airstrikes have been targeting civilian neighbourhoods in Gaza
Israel is continuing its war against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. A block of flats is repeatedly targeted by missiles (see bottom video clip). The victims are not combatants. In this case one man died and a woman lost her unborn child and toddler son. This raid carried out last week is only one instance of the continuing bombardment that is going on. There was conflict with Hamas and some missiles were fired into Israel. But it should be noted that was is a response to military action against civilians that has been continuous for some time. Continue reading Video: Israeli airstrikes have been targeting civilian neighbourhoods in Gaza
Misconduct by banks and other financial institutions will not be stopped by tinkering at the edges
By Jim Hayes
Founding chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Professor Allan Fels, has slammed the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), and accused it of being a toothless tiger, when it comes to dealing with the misconduct of the banks. Continue reading Misconduct by banks and other financial institutions will not be stopped by tinkering at the edges
Big finance and big media are behind the new rise of fascism
By Joe Montero
The way big commercial media reports on what is happening has narrowed down considerably in recent times. This is evident across most developed countries, and in Australia, this is even more true than in most.
Continue reading Big finance and big media are behind the new rise of fascism
Scientists warn about hothouse Earth and rising sea levels
The following by Sarah Knapton and published in the Telegraph Uk (6 August 2018), provides a clear warning that humanity needs to step up and do much more to reduce Carbon emissions, if a catastrophic rise in the world’s temperature is going to be avoided.
Continue reading Scientists warn about hothouse Earth and rising sea levels
Turnbull corruption and Murdoch
By Joe Montero
Malcolm Turnbull’s latest scandal, exposing connection to a $12 million share in a scam run by an outfit called the United States Studies Centre, shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. Continue reading Turnbull corruption and Murdoch
Andrew Bolt is a disgrace and deserves to be pointed out as one
By Ben Wilson
Andrew Bolt is a bloody disgrace. He deserves every bit of the outraged reaction he is getting back for his latest piece of garbage, posing as journalism. Continue reading Andrew Bolt is a disgrace and deserves to be pointed out as one