We are witnessing both a deepening crisis and a building response emerging out of society

Bolivarian movement wins big in Venezuela’s municipal elections

Venezuela has just had municipal elections and the result was a landslide victory for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). There were also important wins for candidates standing for grass roots (communal) organisations, some of which are critical of the PSUV. Together this accounted for about 75 percent of the vote and the taking of 90 percent of the contested positions. Continue reading Bolivarian movement wins big in Venezuela’s municipal elections

University of Sydney removes professor for criticism of war propaganda over Syria Iraq and Palestine

The University of Sydney has suspended Professor Tim Anderson for showing students an info graphic,  including a Nazi swastika over the Israeli flag. It is nor antisemitic. The purpose was to provide a view on the nature of the Israeli government’s ongoing physical attacks on the Palestinians. Tim Anderson  is appealing the suspension. Continue reading University of Sydney removes professor for criticism of war propaganda over Syria Iraq and Palestine

Video: West Papuans arrested for calling for an end to human rights abuses and raising the morning star flag

As West Papuans celebrated Human Rights Day on 10 December and took part in ceremonies, where the independence Morning Star flag was raised, the Indonesian occupation forces came in and arrested dozens. So far, about 130 are known about. A together about 500 people have been arrested over the past week,as the occupation authorities tried to clamp down on the growing frequency of protests.

Continue reading Video: West Papuans arrested for calling for an end to human rights abuses and raising the morning star flag

Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)