Latin American Solidarity Network

Latin American Solidarity Network
From the Australia Council Of Social Service (ACOSS)
With a Grattan Institute report out yesterday, showing the Government’s proposed high-end (Stage 3) tax cuts would make our tax system less progressive than at any time since the 1950s, The Australian Council of social Service (ACOSS) is calling on Parliamentarians to stand up for a fair and sustainable tax system. Continue reading Grattan Institute report shows high-end tax cuts unfair risky and expensive
By Joe Montero
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) chair Rod Sims is saying that he has lost faith in privatisation and deregulation. Continue reading ACCC chair Rod Sims’ turn on privatisation and what really lies behind the problem in the first place
By Joe Montero
Is Australia heading headlong into involvement in another war? This appears to be Scott Morrison’s ambition. Should Australia support or oppose this? Continue reading Australia must not be caught up in the drive to war against Iran
Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture brilliantly exposes here, the concerted smear campaign amounting to torture waged against Julian Assange, to hide the awkward truth and at the same time, condition others to believe the allegations and legitimise this kind of treatment. Melzer says that this works to create a precedent, which can be and will be used on others, while the powerful keep on doing what they want with impunity. Continue reading Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange
By Joe Montero
As the trade war being waged by the United States against China escalates, and China responds by imposing its own counter moves, the world economic system begins to tremble. Continue reading Trade war threatens an already weak global economy and Australia has a place in this too
By Jim Hayes
We all knew it was coming. Scott Morrison has announced the introduction of new anti-union laws. And we can expect to see the worst that has been tried for a long time. Continue reading Scott Morrison declares intent to send industrial relations back to the Howard era
By Joe Montero
Moving through Melbourne on an evening with a group of campaigners drumming up support for Julian Assange, was a great experience. It showed that there is a lot of support around town for the journalist, editor and founder of WikiLeaks. Continue reading Out for a night to campaign for Julian Assange
By Joe Montero
Hundreds of people came out in Melbourne’s late last Friday afternoon (21 June). They blockaded the Bourke and Swanston Streets intersection in the city centre, then marched further north along Swanston Street, to the State Library. Continue reading Extinction Rebellion Australia holds a day of national action on climate emergency