Grattan Institute report shows high-end tax cuts unfair risky and expensive

From the Australia Council Of Social Service (ACOSS)

With a Grattan Institute report out yesterday, showing the Government’s proposed high-end (Stage 3) tax cuts would make our tax system less progressive than at any time since the 1950s, The Australian Council of social Service (ACOSS) is calling on Parliamentarians to stand up for a fair and sustainable tax system. Continue reading Grattan Institute report shows high-end tax cuts unfair risky and expensive

Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange

Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture brilliantly exposes here, the concerted smear campaign amounting to torture waged against Julian Assange, to hide the awkward truth and at the same time, condition others to believe the allegations and legitimise this kind of treatment. Melzer says that this works to create a precedent, which can be and will be used on others, while the powerful keep on doing what they want with impunity. Continue reading Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange

Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)