Campaign to reverse JobSeeker cut to be launched
By Joe Montero
Pretending to offer a small increase in JobSeeker, the Morrison government is really handing out a massive cut on 29 March. During the lockdown last year, it was universally recognised that $550 is the minimum needed to provide a basic frugal standard of living. This has not changed in 2021. Continue reading Campaign to reverse JobSeeker cut to be launched
Video: A dose of honesty in the European Parliament
A recent speech at the European Parliament exposing double standards when it comes to human rights. There is silence on the attempt to extradite Julian Assange to the United States to be brought before a kangaroo trial. This and other abuses are ignored, while support is given to a fascist openly advocating race hate. He just happens to be Russian. This is not about human rights. It is about geopolitical ambitions. Continue reading Video: A dose of honesty in the European Parliament
Biden’s reckless Syria bombing not diplomacy he promised
Anyone who might have thought new United sates president Joe Biden was going to usher in a new era of world peace has been living in a fantasy. A new bombing attack launched against Syria at the end of last week and killed at least 17 people. Washington claimed that it had attacked Iranian backed militia and did so to protect American personnel in Iraq. In truth, the militia is fighting remnants of Islamic State. The following was written by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies (CODEPINK 26 February 2021).
Continue reading Biden’s reckless Syria bombing not diplomacy he promised
Miserable $25 a week JobSeeker rise is really a cut
By Joe Montero
We now know that government ministers have agreed to permanently lift the JobSeeker payment by $50 a fortnight or $25 a week. The increase will extend to Austudy, Abstudy and parenting payments. JobKeeeper payments are set to come to an end. Continue reading Miserable $25 a week JobSeeker rise is really a cut
The Morrison government’s rape scandal and other troubles
The rape scandal engulfing the Morrison government just won’t go away. This is its own fault. Right from when it is said to have occurred at Parliament House on 13 March 2019, the lack response has been abysmal. Continue reading The Morrison government’s rape scandal and other troubles
Australia helped make human rights violations in the Philippines
By Ben Wilson
It is a disgrace that the Australian government has helped create the military and paramilitary forces in the Philippines that current President Rodgrigo Duterte is using to carry out large scale human rights violations. Continue reading Australia helped make human rights violations in the Philippines
The battle for control over social media in Australia
By Jim Hayes
Facebook will cut down allowing news content to be posted on its platform in Australia. This is the reaction to the move to force social media companies to pay publishers. Restrictions have already begun. Continue reading The battle for control over social media in Australia
Morrison’s anti-worker law must be fought in a serious way
By Joe Montero
As the Morrison government proceeds with its so-called Omnibus Bill, it amounts to a declaration of war against the Australian union movement and all workers. Behind all the spin and the pretence that this is about undoing the damage of Covid-19, this is a blatant move to destroy existing jobs. The key planks are to casualise a bigger part of the workforce, cut pay, and introduce individual contracts through the back door. Continue reading Morrison’s anti-worker law must be fought in a serious way
The coming of Joe Biden is not going to bring a big change in American and global politics
By Joe Montero
Despite the expectations of many, New United States president Joe Biden is set to continue much along the same lines as Donald Trump. This is not the dawning of a new era. It is not even going back towards the time before Trump. Continue reading The coming of Joe Biden is not going to bring a big change in American and global politics