United Nations investigation highlights cruel treatment of prisoners still in Guantanamo


A United Nations investigator, with a background in the Irish legal system has released a report that calls for proper treatment of prisoners still being held in the Guantanamo detention centre. Headed by Irish law expert Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, a team visited the prison where 30 men continue to be incarcerated without any date for release. Continue reading United Nations investigation highlights cruel treatment of prisoners still in Guantanamo

Visy workers are fighting for a liveable deal

By Ben Wilson

Back on  18 January, cannery workers at Visy in Shepparton took strike action for 24 hours over stalled negotiations between their union and management for a new agreement. They walked of the job again on 25 and 17 January, and again on 17 March. Strikes have continued for 2 shifts each week.

Visy is Australia’s largest privately-owned company with an annual turnover of $7 billion. Continue reading Visy workers are fighting for a liveable deal

Donald Trump case is about which faction of Wall Street will dominate

By Joe Montero

Donald Trump has finally been arrested and charged with criminal offenses and faces 37 counts of having committed federal crimes. This is over the theft of sensitive classified documents. Not surprisingly, Trump protests his innocence.

“We most certainly enter a plea of not guilty,” his lawyer said in the Miami court. Continue reading Donald Trump case is about which faction of Wall Street will dominate

The problem with PWC and the Big 4 : Treason is the business model

Investigative journalist Michael West writes (Michael West Media 1 June 2023) about how the scandal surrounding PwC is not one off, but part of systemic problem involving al the 4 big American finance advisory multinationals. All have been acting as the middleman between the Australian government and big corporations. All have been advising their clients how to avoid paying tax, while securing generous government contracts. They stand above the law, betray Australia, and pose the challenge on how o deal with them. Michael West is a former journalist and editor with Fairfax newspapers, and columnist for News Corp.

Continue reading The problem with PWC and the Big 4 : Treason is the business model

It is time to get serious about the housing affordability crisis

By Joe Montero 

Being able to afford a home to provide for housing needs is an important part of living a quality life. In fact, a decent home to live in should be treated as  fundamental human right. If was to be treated this way in Australia, the government would act to ensure this right was met, and what it had to do to achieve this end would be a no brainer. Continue reading It is time to get serious about the housing affordability crisis

Australia must let go of reliance on a declining United States to secure our future

 By Joe Montero

The elite that dominates the United States is running scared. Two prominent issues reveal this. One is the fear of the rise of China, and the other is what is the future of the economy and politics at home. The second one is at present being fought out in the battle over the government debt ceiling. Both are signs of the new uncertainty. Continue reading Australia must let go of reliance on a declining United States to secure our future

Conflict of interest means the AFP should not be investigating the PwC tax scandal


The scandal engulfing consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Australia and its misuse of confidential government data to help clients avoid tax is escalating, and a week ago, senior management agreed to stand down those who were alleged to be directly involved in doing this. This appears to be way to for the company extricate itself from a sticky situation through putting the blame on these individuals. But it is unimaginable that such behaviour could take place without a conspiracy and approval. If not direct participation from the top. Continue reading Conflict of interest means the AFP should not be investigating the PwC tax scandal

Coles and Woolworths have been robbing us

By Joe Montero

Everyone knew it all along. Now the hard evidence is in. Coles and Woolworths have been price gouging and made big increases to their profit margins by doing this. Some would suggest this is a form of theft.

An analysis by Guardian columnist Jonathan Barrett, gleamed from an examination of five years of the financial accounts of the two supermarket monopolies, revealed the use of the covid pandemic to increase prices. Continue reading Coles and Woolworths have been robbing us

Market fundamentalism is an obstacle to social progress

Richard D Wolff is a  Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, and previously from Yale University and a Visiting Professor at the University of Paris at the Sorbonne (France). Today he is a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University, New York City, and teacher Brecht Forum in Manhattan. Here, Wolff writes (Economy for All 18 May 2023) about the continuing delusion of that school of economics and policy makers obsessed with the market as the solver of all economic problems. He Calls the most extreme of these fundamentalists. But he also points out the contradiction between preaching the virtues of free trade, while turning towards protectionism and government handouts to corporations. The reality is that the market is a mechanism for rationing and does not meet the needs of society.

Continue reading Market fundamentalism is an obstacle to social progress

The cost of the obscene tax cut to for the rich is now blowing out

By Joe Montero

New Parliamentary Budget Office costings on the Stage Three Tax Cuts, which had been requested by the Greens, has revealed that the cost is rising and now sits at $20 billion for the first year (2024), and will increase each financial year to $42 billion in 2033-34. This is a total of $313 billion, and it is likely to end up costing even more.

Any decent and caring human being should be moved to anger and turn their back on anyone who promotes this obscenity.

The numbers speak for themselves. They reveal how much that small group at the top of the income pyramid is taking, and how little everyone else is getting in the face of an ongoing rise in the cost of living. Those in the middle get small shift in the tax margins, and what they gain is a sop that will soon be taken over by inflation. The share of national income will keep on flowing outwards. Those on annual incomes less than $45,000 get nothing. The screws will continue to tighten on government expenditure on services that benefit the majority.

Pocketing the money are those with incomes over $180,000 a year. Most of this will go to a much smaller group of billionaires. The much larger group in the middle-income range will be given a sop through modest marginal tax bracket adjustments. Not big enough to deliver any real change, and this will soon be eaten away by inflation. Those with an income below 45,000 a year will get absolutely nothing.

It’s those down the pyramid who will be paying the cost to line the pockets of those at the top of it, through the taxes they pay, and in the absence of services that could otherwise have been provided with this money.

For example, the money could have been used to lift those living below the poverty line and for the creation of affordable housing to address the rising cost of living crisis. Everyone should be up in arms over this failure.

While there is discontent over it, the lid has till now stopped this form boiling over. This lid is the political bipartisanship pushing it through.

The Coalition parties are supposed to stand up for the wealthy and Labor for working class Australians. It’s not quite like this in the real world. Political life within the framework of the existing political institutions demands those who seek to be the government to seek patronage in terms of dollar donations, entry into networks of power, and a positive media profile. There is always a price to be paid for patronage.

Labor differs with its base in the unions and community sector. It is from here that internal pressure to change direction is coming from and lining up with the rising expectations of Australia.

Working the other way are the realities of the political system and its associated bipartisanship on this question.

Political expediency and the unquestioning ideological hold of neoliberalism provides the rational that insists responsible government is about looking after the wealthiest to keep the economy sound, despite of its ongoing failure in practice. If it had worked, we wouldn’t have the problems that we have. The other part of this ideology is that any other approach is delegitimised. The neoliberal ideology must go.

Last but not least is the ethical question. In a caring society we look after each other. Each contributes according to their own capacity in return for benefits. There is nothing wrong with suggesting that those who are in the best position should contribute a little more. The choice is tied to whether we strive towards to be a caring society or continue on the same path.

As for the claim that moving in the opposite direction will hurt the economy. This is rubbish. Action that will facilitate participation and increase activity, means a far better chance of investment where it’s needed, and more likely to create jobs boost the economy.

Official site of the May Day Committee (Malbourne)