Category Archives: Unions

Huge marches in defence of the CFMEU seen across Australia

By Joe Montero and Ben Wilson

Albo has serious problem on his hands. He did what to many Labor stalwarts, unions members, and just about anyone in favour of fair play as unthinkable. He went out to destroy the CFMEU. This is what it amounts to.

Why would he want to do this? It’s not hard to see that this Labor government has cozied up to big money and its demands for economic and social change that benefits those at the top at the expense of those below. At a time when the cost-of-living crisis is biting, Albo’s government embraces the continuation of neoliberalism. Continue reading Huge marches in defence of the CFMEU seen across Australia

Victoria’s dairy workers on strike for decent wages and conditions

By Ben Wilson

workers at the major dairy milk processing factories have walked off and supermarket shelves are starting to empty. Cheese, yoghurt, and ice cream could follow. Victorian farmers are getting just $1 a litre of milk, and many of them don’t know how long they can continue to stay in operation. Continue reading Victoria’s dairy workers on strike for decent wages and conditions

The American autoworkers strike is important for the United States and Australia

By Joe Montero

The United States autoworkers strike is a long way from Australia. It is still important, because it is a sign if what is going wrong in that country, and major developments there will have an impact here. This is how closely Australia is enmeshed into the economic and political power of the United States. Continue reading The American autoworkers strike is important for the United States and Australia

Call for a super profits tax to provide affordable housing is gaining support

By Joe Montero

“People know something’s wrong. They know something’s wrong in their society when we have Commonwealth Bank recording over $10bn in profit while ordinary Australians are struggling to put a roof over their head.” These words were said by Zach Smith, construction division national secretary of the CFMMEU. Continue reading Call for a super profits tax to provide affordable housing is gaining support

Visy workers are fighting for a liveable deal

By Ben Wilson

Back on  18 January, cannery workers at Visy in Shepparton took strike action for 24 hours over stalled negotiations between their union and management for a new agreement. They walked of the job again on 25 and 17 January, and again on 17 March. Strikes have continued for 2 shifts each week.

Visy is Australia’s largest privately-owned company with an annual turnover of $7 billion. Continue reading Visy workers are fighting for a liveable deal

Country Road workers take industrial action for equal and decent pay


Country Road is a well-known clothing chain in Australia, which likes to market itself as an ethical business. The local parent company has a highly visible retail profile. In addition to the Country Road stores, it owns Witchery, Mimco, Politix and Trenery. The owner of all is the South African multinational Woolworths Holding Limited (WHL). Continue reading Country Road workers take industrial action for equal and decent pay

Politically driven vendetta against construction union scores another failure for the government

By Joe Montero

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has dropped charge related to allegations against the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMMEU). the charges relate to prosecution of the union’s Canberra branch, Jason O’Mara. Continue reading Politically driven vendetta against construction union scores another failure for the government

The new battle on Melbourne waterfront to defend rights at work

By Joe Montero

Last Friday, the Port of Melbourne was shut down by determined members of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA). They did this to send a message to tugboat operator Svitzer. The dispute is over negotiations for a new workplace agreement  have stalled for 18 months, causing growing uncertainty. Continue reading The new battle on Melbourne waterfront to defend rights at work