Category Archives: Media

Prominent media and human rights groups line up with Washington to black out Julian Assange extradition case

Julian Assange’s extradition hearing continued last week, and a lot of time was devoted to argument over his mental health. The judge made clear, a decision is not going to be made before the United States Presidential election in November. Big media, press freedom groups, and some prominent ‘human rights’ organisations continue to fall in line with Donald Trump, and have mostly gone silent on the case. Author and member of the Glasgow University Media Group, Alan Macleod, writes about this (Orinoco Tribune 25 September 2020).

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Murdoch’s Fox caught doctoring fake ‘riot’ pictures

The following article was republished in the New Daily (14 June 2020). The source is Associated Press. The name of the author is not provided. The article is noteworthy, as it provides details of Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News knowingly publishing fake photographs to back its portrayal of protests against the killing of George Floyd by police officers in Seatle, as violent and needing to be suppressed. Fox is the source of the fiction that armed gangs hare holding areas in American cities hostage terrorising inhabitants and demanding protection money, now making the rounds of social media. Bringing the truth to light is important.

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Journalists speak up for Julian Assange

This statement is being circulated among journalists and others working in media, as a measure of support for Julian Assange. The persecution of the WikiLeaks editor is a serious violation of the right to free speech, threatening all who work in media, and by extension, the loss of the right of all citizens to know. Many minds have been muddled by a long propaganda war to destroy Assange’s reputation and legitimise extraordinary methods, like the ignoring of legal principals, disproportionate punishment and what amounts to torture. Continue reading Journalists speak up for Julian Assange

Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange

Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture brilliantly exposes here, the concerted smear campaign amounting to torture waged against Julian Assange, to hide the awkward truth and at the same time, condition others to believe the allegations and legitimise this kind of treatment. Melzer says that this works to create a precedent, which can be and will be used on others, while the powerful keep on doing what they want with impunity. Continue reading Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange