Just 100 companies are responsible for 71 percent of global carbon emissions. So, why don’t we make them pay for polluting the planet?
Video by What.If
Just 100 companies are responsible for 71 percent of global carbon emissions. So, why don’t we make them pay for polluting the planet?
Video by What.If
Coal seam gas extraction (fracking) remains a serious threat to Australia, despite the campaign against it stalling the rise of this industry for a while. Companies involved are still working on pressing ahead. Some of the nation’s best growing food areas are being targeted. People power can stop it.
Antarctica is melting three times faster than it was just 10 years ago. Climate change is real, very real — and it is devastating our planet. The United States must lead the world in transforming our energy system by moving aggressively to energy efficiency and sustainable energy. Continue reading Video: Antarctica melting three times faster than it was
Charlie Wood in The Sustainable Hour (Geelong) explains about the upcoming National Doorknocking to Stop Adani event on 6 Oct 2018. Continue reading Video: How we stop Adani
A lot of people are talking about the National energy Guarantee (NEG). As Malcolm Turnbull and his government pursue it, the opposition grows. Continue reading The NEG is a con that will deliver neither lower prices or cleaner energy
Continue reading Scientists warn about hothouse Earth and rising sea levels
The Senate inquiry into the implications of climate change for Australia’s national security has come to the conclusion that the warming of the climate poses a greater risk to Australia’s security than anything else. Continue reading Inquiry says climate warming is greatest threat to security
When your politicians abandon you, where do you turn? This chapter from the new ‘Sacrifice Zone’ documentary explores the web of incompetence, corruption and downright stupidity that has led to the Narrabri Gas Project being supported by politicians at multiple levels, despite the weight of community opposition and scientific evidence against it. Continue reading Video: Farmers are now feeling betrayed by the LNP over Coal Seam Gas and for good reasons
Continue reading Study provides evidence that the sea level rise is real and accelerating