Category Archives: Environment

The rise of Extinction Rebellion is a very positive development in battle to end global warming

By Joe Montero

We are Hearing quite lot about the new ecological movement known as Extinction Rebellion. But what is this movement, which first emerged in the united kingdom, began to spread around the world, and is now to emerging in Australia? Continue reading The rise of Extinction Rebellion is a very positive development in battle to end global warming

What an effective Murray-Darling water policy should look like

The following was originally published on the Australia’s Science Channel website (28 March 2019). It outlines measures that must be taken to restore and protect the Murray-Darling river system. Blaming the drought is wrong. According to experts, river crisis is the result of human mismanagement of the water, and only proper management can fix the problem. Continue reading What an effective Murray-Darling water policy should look like

Starting with QBE – insurance companies are being pushed to quit coal

By Ben Wilson

It takes no genius to work out that if we don’t do enough to combat the threat of global warming, the world and humanity are in serious trouble. Most people want real action on this. The block is those people representing interests that are profiting from polluting our planet and those few that they manage to fool. Continue reading Starting with QBE – insurance companies are being pushed to quit coal

Another huge school strike for climate action hits Australia

By Jim Hayes

Tens of thousands of young Australians, if not more, have once again taken part in the global school strike. Students in 123 countries and 2,000 cities called on governments to step up their game and take decisive action and cut back carbon emissions, which threaten catastrophic global warming. Continue reading Another huge school strike for climate action hits Australia

Adani’s new law firm put forward ‘trained attack dog’ strategy for waging legal ‘war’

This article by Josh Robertson (ABC 19 February 2019), shows how far Adani is prepared to go, to force through his unpopular Carmichael coal mine project, and his has found a legal firm willing to use what some might consider unethical means to wage a war against opponents. This does not mean that the opposition will fade away. There is little chance of this. But it does suggest that the battle has entered a new and desperate phase. Continue reading Adani’s new law firm put forward ‘trained attack dog’ strategy for waging legal ‘war’