Category Archives: Environment

Australians want action on climate and there’s no excuse to look backwards

Matt Kean, the NSW Minister for Energy and the Environment wrote this opinion piece (Sydney Morning Herald 28 October 2020), where he makes it clear that climate change is not only a reality but something that a big majority of Australians recognise and want to be acted upon. The minister expresses his support foe an ‘orderly transition”. What remains is for government to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Nevertheless, Matt Kean’s does contribute towards the debate and the process towards a meaningful change. And it shows how broad the climate change movement has become. Continue reading Australians want action on climate and there’s no excuse to look backwards

What it means when the coldest place on Earth records an unprecedented heatwave

Dana M Bergstrom, Andrew Klekociuk, Diana King and Sharon Robinson wrote for the Conversation (31 March 2020), about the startling news that Antarctica experienced an unprecedented heat wave this summer, and that this is a warning sign for the rest of the world. Dana M Bergstrom is principal research scientist at the Antarctic Division and a visiting scholar at the University of Wollongong; Andrew Klekociuk is an adjunct senior lecturer at the University of Tasmania; Diana King is a research officer at the University of Wollongong; and Sharon Robinson is professor at the University of Wollongong.

Continue reading What it means when the coldest place on Earth records an unprecedented heatwave

Adani has been caught up in yet another corruption scandal


By Ben Wilson

Opposition to the Adani coal mine continues, although it is not making so Many headlines at the present. As well as maintaining the pressure on Adani, businesses working or seeking to work on the Carmichael coal mine project are paid a great deal of attention. There is 25 banks, engineering and other companies that have rules themselves out, and the list continues to grow. Continue reading Adani has been caught up in yet another corruption scandal

Paint it yellow for climate action

The following words were written by rob Miller, a dairy farmer in new South Wales. He is convinced about what lies behind the devastating climate events of recent months and is calling on everyone to act on the climate emergency that is with us right now and suggests that others join the paint it yellow campaign. He is being supported by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF). Continue reading Paint it yellow for climate action

Government looks at using building industry law to crack down on environment activists

By Joe Montero

The Coalition is readying to use its construction industry industrial law, as a weapon against climate activists. Critics of this selective law have always pointed out that it was designed as a test case, designed be used elsewhere when required. Continue reading Government looks at using building industry law to crack down on environment activists