Category Archives: Economy

Video: This is a future to fight for

Here is a call from the activist online organisation GNU, for Australians to come together to build an economy that works for everyone, not the one percent. It is suggested that this is a good time to be bold, meet the big challenges and put forward real concrete measures work towards a better future and deliver what we want. We do not need to accept a failing economy, which does not deliver fairness and what we need to pursue our potential as individuals and as a society. Continue reading Video: This is a future to fight for

Royal Commission into finance industry exposes some truths but the problem is systemic

By Joe Montero

The Turnbull government compelled by circumstances to respond to popular pressure of action on the banks, the disclosures of whistleblowers and finally rebellion among its Coalition partners in the National party, with a Royal Commission. Continue reading Royal Commission into finance industry exposes some truths but the problem is systemic

The Turnbull government company tax cut is a bad move

By Joe Montero

The Turnbull government claims that its company tax cut will increase wages or create more jobs. But a secret survey conducted by the Business Council of Australia and reported in the media, shows that more than 80 percent of companies will use the gain to boost returns to shareholders or invest in the company. Continue reading The Turnbull government company tax cut is a bad move

Australia is losing $90 billion in taxes not paid by oil and gas companies

By Jim Hayes

In one of a suite of new submissions to a Senate inquiry, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies academic Juan Carlos Boué warned that unless Australia “radically overhauled its fiscal regime,” it would mean the second lowest share of government revenue from oil and gas in the world. Continue reading Australia is losing $90 billion in taxes not paid by oil and gas companies