Here is a call from the activist online organisation GNU, for Australians to come together to build an economy that works for everyone, not the one percent. It is suggested that this is a good time to be bold, meet the big challenges and put forward real concrete measures work towards a better future and deliver what we want. We do not need to accept a failing economy, which does not deliver fairness and what we need to pursue our potential as individuals and as a society. Continue reading Video: This is a future to fight for→
The big selling point in this year’s federal budget is the tax cuts. No doubt, much of Australia will appreciate having to hand over a little less of their income. This has the marking of a government, scared that it is in a terminal decline. Continue reading The 2018 budget covers that there is more take than give→
Mr Denmore,author of The Failed Estate, writes about the extraordinary attack on Emma Alberici, because of her analysis of the Australian government’s corporate tax cuts ambition, which she says would be detrimental to Australia. After a complaint from the Prime Minister, her words were deleted from the ABC website, and this marks the ongoing curtailment of the press that is occurring in Australia. Denmore explains that this is a global trend. The story was published by The Independent Australia 20 February 2018).