According to the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work, ABS data from 2012 to 2017, shows that full time work with leave entitlements has fallen to 49.97 percent and just 38.9 percent for those under 30. Part time work is the highest ever, Taking up 31.7 percent of the workforce. Continue reading Casualisation of work is rooted in the economic system→
Video: This is what really happens when you give corporations a tax cut
Watch this video clip for an easy to understand explanation that debunks the fallacy that allowing corporations to pay less tax results in more investment in the economy and more jobs. This applies to Australia too.
Here is a call from the activist online organisation GNU, for Australians to come together to build an economy that works for everyone, not the one percent. It is suggested that this is a good time to be bold, meet the big challenges and put forward real concrete measures work towards a better future and deliver what we want. We do not need to accept a failing economy, which does not deliver fairness and what we need to pursue our potential as individuals and as a society. Continue reading Video: This is a future to fight for→
The big selling point in this year’s federal budget is the tax cuts. No doubt, much of Australia will appreciate having to hand over a little less of their income. This has the marking of a government, scared that it is in a terminal decline. Continue reading The 2018 budget covers that there is more take than give→