Making ends meet is getting harder for a lot of people. The wages share on national income continues to fall. One third of the workforce is in precarious work and often not earning enough to maintain their standard of living as it was. Unemployment benefits and pensions lag further and further behind. Continue reading A guaranteed universal income is needed today→
According to the latest statistics from Roy Morgan, unemployment stood at `10 percent in July. The Morgan rate differs from the 5.4 stated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for June, because it considers all those who would work, if they had the opportunity, and does not consider one hour of work during the survey week as being employed. The Roy Morgan is therefore much more accurate. Continue reading Real Unemployment accounts for over 18 percent of the workforce→
A week ago, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) launched a campaign to raise the Youth Allowance and called for an increase in Newstart. It’s called Raise the Rate.