All posts by Editor

U.S. manufactures narco-crimes for another coup attempt in Venezuela

By Joe Montero

President Nicolás Maduro and the head of Venezuela’s national Constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, have been indicted in the US.

Nicolas Maduro and Diosdado Cabello

The United States is just now maneuvering with a new attempt to generate another coup and install a government of its own choice in Venzuela Continue reading U.S. manufactures narco-crimes for another coup attempt in Venezuela

Adani has been caught up in yet another corruption scandal


By Ben Wilson

Opposition to the Adani coal mine continues, although it is not making so Many headlines at the present. As well as maintaining the pressure on Adani, businesses working or seeking to work on the Carmichael coal mine project are paid a great deal of attention. There is 25 banks, engineering and other companies that have rules themselves out, and the list continues to grow. Continue reading Adani has been caught up in yet another corruption scandal

The present crisis is pushing Australia to make a choice about which road we take from here

By Joe Montero

It hasn’t sunk in yet how serious the social and economic impact from the Covbid-19 outbreak will be. But it will. There is no way to escape it.

A concerted effort to mitigate the harm and protect the vulnerable is a necessity. Many have commented about the rise in poverty in recent times. As bad as its been, this is nothing compared with what’s coming around the corner. Just about every household will feel the effect. Continue reading The present crisis is pushing Australia to make a choice about which road we take from here

Global banks ‘failing miserably’ on climate crisis by funnelling trillions into fossil fuels

This article by Patrick Greenfield and Kalyeena Makortoff (The Guardian 18 March 2020), provides a timely warning. Two of them Citi and JP Morgan Chase happen to be the principal owners of the Commonwealth, Westpac, NAB and have a big stake in the ANZ. They control the banking system is Australia. They are ultimately responsible for all that happened and led to the Royal Commission last year and more. They also operate on a global scale. Collectively, a small group of banks dominate the global financial system. This article concerns their role in funnelling trillions into the fossil fuel industry, making them major factor in the climate crisis.  It’s important to know what they’re doing.

Continue reading Global banks ‘failing miserably’ on climate crisis by funnelling trillions into fossil fuels

Video: Venezuela’s president Nicolas Maduro praises Cuba and China for help with Covid- 19

This is part of the 10 March report to doctors on the pandemic threat and Venezuela’s response. this was the nation’s Doctors Day.

Venezuela has been preparing for the likely outbreak of Covid- 19 in that country and is receiving help to overcome the embargo in medicines. Cuba and China have worked together, to lead the global response against the pandemic. The are succeeding, while other countries are relying on the big pharma companies to provide the answer. Cuba and China have adapted interferon, which has helped to cure thousands and brought about a dive in infection rates.

Video from Libert Mayea Linares

Venezuela Initiates Social Quarantine to Contain COVID-19

The quarantine was decided at the right time to avoid further spread of the virus. Read More.

Cuban technology has been important in the fight against to the pandemic in China and is available for other countries that need it

Video from TeleSur English