Latest update on Julian Assange

The interview was first published in the L’Independente on 8 February 2025. Since his release from imprisonment, Julian Assange, the Australian founder of WikiLeaks, journalist, and editor, has maintained a low profile but continues to be a significant figure. There is great interest in his progress and future plans. In this interview, brother Gabriel talks about Julian’s immediate priorities and gives a glimpse on what might be coming next. Julian’s ordeal has not defeated him. His immediate focus is on healing, re-aquatinting himself with life outside prison, and strengthening bonds with his family. Julian will be back when he is ready.

How is Julian?

“He is doing much better, however. He now lives in rural Australia and is rebuilding his life practically from scratch, starting with all those things that we take for granted in our everyday lives: documents, health insurance numbers, citizenship for his children and all that sort of thing.

Now he has his driving licence and he’s driving around: it’s a bit like being a teenager again, because he has a renewed freedom in his hands, which he was denied for so long. He is enjoying that freedom: it is summer here in Australia now, so the children are on holiday. He is enjoying the good weather”.

Photo by Lukas Coch/AAP/Reuters: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gestures at supporters after arriving at Canberra Airport, Canberra, Australia 26 June 2024 after being released form imprisonment in the United Kingdom

How is he spending his days?

“He is spending time with his family and children. They grew up in Fulham, London. Julian is showing them Australia, taking them into the woods, into the Australian countryside, teaching them to recognise the flora and fauna of the country and how to interface with the nature of our land. Julian knows a lot about Australia. It is where he grew up and he is able to share all his past experiences with them. I think he is really enjoying this everyday life as a father: being able to do all the simple things that we take for granted”.

Photo from AP: Julian’s Brother Gabriel Shipton

Did he ever tell you about his time in prison?

“Yes, certainly. I was in contact with him throughout his imprisonment and visited him many times. There were very dark periods in prison where they kept him in his cell 24 hours a day, under constant surveillance in fear that he would commit suicide. I would say that the effects of prolonged imprisonment are still being felt today and there are definitely scars that will take longer to heal.

Since he set foot in Australia, information about him has been scarce? Can you tell us about the moment you arrived in Australia? What happened?

“I was not there at the time, I did not see him until about a week later because I was in France. The feeling of seeing him walking on the track in Australia, hugging his wife Stella and my father on Australian soil, was overwhelming. I was in a real whirlwind of emotions. We worked so hard to get to this point and dedicated our lives to getting Julian out of prison. I remember a moment, after I saw him again, when we were together on the beach watching our children play in the waves.

I put my arm around his shoulders, he turned to me and said, ‘this is incredible, isn’t it?’ and I said ‘yes, it is really incredible’. We were overwhelmed with emotion. It was an indescribable moment: we didn’t think he would ever be free and sharing those moments together was really special”.

How much did the support of the Free Assange movement weigh on your release?

“The movement for his liberation made a huge difference and also influenced world leaders to move for him. He would not be free today if there had been no mobilisation. The movement also made a huge difference for us when we were campaigning for Julian, because it showed us that we could and should push even harder with the campaign for his release. Even one of the judges mentioned the worldwide movement in a judgement: if you have thousands of people from all over Europe turning up outside the court, it is hard to ignore it”.

The global campaign to free Julian Assange eventually won his release

Since his release, Julian has only spoken in public once, in Strasbourg, before the Human Rights Commission of the Council of Europe. Is it because he does not feel ready yet or has, he been asked not to?

“If it were up to him, I don’t think he would have spoken so soon, despite the invitation from the Council of Europe. Now he is resting and taking time to do normal things and be with his family. I also think that before he speaks in public, he wants to prepare himself: there is a strong expectation on him. Many would like him to tell us about the world we live in now, as we saw from the questions he was asked in Strasbourg.

But Julian must first get to know that world and familiarise himself with it if he is to be able to interface with what is going on and comment on it in the way people imagine he will. Julian has only had a couple of months to really get in touch with the world and the new technologies, and he wants to be very prepared before he goes out and starts speaking publicly”.

At this point I guess he has no projects under his belt?

“I’m sure he has a few ideas in mind and a number of projects he would like to pursue, but I’ll let him reveal that in due course. In the meantime, he is resting, recovering his energy and doing research to really get in touch with the world and new technologies. For example, he has to get used to media consumption via our phones.

Before he went to prison, it was not so common for people to be fixed on their smartphones all the time. Now he is learning to understand how a different generation assimilates information and what the consequences of these novelties are. Now, for example, he is taking an interest in AI and the evolution of social media, in TikTok”.

So far we have only talked about his brother, but I would also like to know the point of view of you, Julian’s family members: how have you lived through these long years?

“Chris Hedges, a US journalist who often works with prisoners and their loved ones, has always said that many of the families he meets are as if they were in prison with their relatives, because all their attention is on that family member and how to keep him or her alive: this was also the case for us. Dedicating your life to a family member in prison has an impact on your relationships, on your family: I think of my daughter for example. I was often absent, travelling, knocking on doors, dedicating time to the campaign for Julian and this effort took its toll.

For me, however, it was always bittersweet: I made new friends, I discovered that I could do things I had never imagined, and it was all thanks to the Julian campaign. I learned so much and met so many people full of love and appreciation for what we did and for Julian, and that really fills my heart: it’s encouraging and keeps you going. I mean, we would have done it anyway, but it’s all those new friendships and those supporters that keep you going”.

The image of your brother has been at the centre of a particular phenomenon: at first, many newspapers rode the wave and exploited his revelations, and then actively participated in his condemnation and the demonisation of his person. What do you think of the media coverage on the subject?

“When Wikileaks started to make its revelations, Julian was a kind of celebrity, a hero revealing information and collaborating with. After all, huge amounts of newspapers were sold with these revelations. Slowly, the narrative began to change. The attacks started and there was a kind of assassination of the figure of Julian Assange.

Many of the newspapers that had collaborated with him became active promoters of his persecution. I think this shift in perspective exposed them and told us more about them and who was influencing them”.

How difficult was it to change the narrative about Julian?

“It was hard: we made films, books were written, and eventually some of those newspapers, somewhat reluctantly, began to support Julian’s release. But it took time and effort to undo the slander and damage that had been done before. Julian’s persecution was possible precisely because of these slanders in the media and the narrowing of his support because of these constant attacks.

I really don’t want to hold a grudge, but I think one has to look back and identify the phenomenon we have been dealing with: first they come for your money, then for your image and finally for your freedom. The persecution of Julian Assange should be a lesson for all of us: it teaches us that if we want to do what he did, we have to protect ourselves and be ready”.

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