Category Archives: Economy

Corporations invested their Trump tax cuts into failing stock buybacks

This article by Eric Levitz (New York Magazine 9 July 2018), is about the real effect of the Trump cut to company tax, just 6 months after it was put into effect. It has not led to a revival in positive investment. On the contrary. Bad investment has been the result and of squandering money that could have been alternately put, to better use making lives better for Americans, concludes the writer.

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Video: This is a future to fight for

Here is a call from the activist online organisation GNU, for Australians to come together to build an economy that works for everyone, not the one percent. It is suggested that this is a good time to be bold, meet the big challenges and put forward real concrete measures work towards a better future and deliver what we want. We do not need to accept a failing economy, which does not deliver fairness and what we need to pursue our potential as individuals and as a society. Continue reading Video: This is a future to fight for